Prayer to Buddha – Buddhist Meditation

Buddhist meditation is very similar to praying to oneself. It is called the “right way”, the “right practice”, or the “right path”. This involves following the Buddha’s teachings, which are not a “heretical” revelation but are inspired by reality. This reality is called dar Dhana.

What is the “right practice?” Practicing the right meditation, which is in deed the true way, is the correct means to developing spiritual wisdom. And this wisdom is enlightened understanding of reality.

When I began to meditate, I found it difficult to clear my mind. I soon realized that this was due to too many thoughts. I soon realized I must clear my mind. The only way to do this was to stop thinking. I had to stop dwelling on past and future and concentrate on the present.

So now when I pray, I no longer focus on what is said in my daily meditation; rather, I concentrate on the words that are being said. So my daily prayer is more along the lines of “Buddha in the Right Mind”. And if you are not following this example of Buddha, and are instead focusing your thought on what you have right now rather than Buddha, then you are practicing the wrong kind of meditation.

One thing that must be constantly remembered while meditating is that nothing exists outside of us. Everything arises out of our own activities. All things begin from the same source. If we concentrate on the activity within ourselves rather than focusing on the outside object, then our meditation is useless. This is also the way we think. Our thought generates a result.

Our prayer should be more like this: “I am giving myself to Buddha. I am placing all my worries and troubles below his feet.” When our mind is like this, then we can be certain that we will experience enlightenment. The first step to doing this is to have mind meditation – it’s a wonderful tool for achieving this state.

Then you need to find someone to help you, whether it’s a teacher, a friend or even a DVD or book on meditation. Then find a quiet place where there are no distractions. You can use an outdoor space or just a pillow inside your bedroom. Then sit still, close your eyes and start to meditate. Remember to stay still and don’t give yourself distractions.

You may want to start with just this simple prayer and then add more as you become more comfortable. It’s a good idea to record your thoughts and feelings on paper. This will help you remember your thoughts during the meditation and will help you as you re-visit the meditation later. This can also serve as reminders about any other things that you need to do.

It’s OK if you don’t know how to meditate. There are many books and even DVDs to help you. Find the one that suits you best. Some are better than others. Pay attention to the advice in the book and follow it closely.

Try to empty your mind – this is very important when doing Buddhist meditation. It’s OK to be aware of what’s around you – what’s going on, who’s watching and feeling your presence. But try to drop out of your own world and get as much of the world as your mind into your inner space.

Meditation is about more than just sitting in a comfortable chair and praying. If you don’t do this right, it can have very adverse effects. So you must take time to empty your mind. Then you will be ready to pray. Remember to focus only on the prayer and not on the world or anyone else.

A good way to start the process is by finding a quiet spot and sitting down. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Think about nothing but the sound of the voice in your head and start saying a prayer. Don’t think about anything else except prayer. Repeat the Buddhist meditation several times, until you develop the right methods for emptying the mind.

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