On the deck today is the Wheel of Fortune tarot card. When drawn upright, it brings along good luck. On the card, there is an image of a wheel at the centre that seems to be on the move. There are also images of four creatures at every corner of the card and they are depicted as follows; an eagle to represent that you can soar high above your imagination and achieve whatever you dream of, an angel to represent the need to ensure you grow your spiritual life, a lion to represent the courage you need and a bull to represent your inner power.
Pulling out the upright Wheel of Fortune tarot might indicate you are going to experience major changes in your life. The universe has given you credit for giving your best at the moment and from where you stand but you ought to move forward. The card is a call for you to be ready and willing to embrace the change as it comes while bearing a positive attitude in mind. The journey ahead of you is going to be tough and you will require a strong support system to be able to navigate through. It is time to gather all your resources; personnel, financial, and physical among others so that you are able to find the right path that leads to your success.
The Wheel of Fortune card also indicates that you need to appreciate the people around you and give them the credit that they deserve. Sometimes you get too used to having them around you and being recipients of their kindness such that it becomes a routine. Your mind digests their kind acts towards you as their responsibility rather than their generosity. Whenever this happens, your mind tends to feel entitled to them such that you complain and reprimand them during the days they are not in a position to help you out. With this card, you are called upon to give credit to those people who are close to you and appreciate the fact that they always show up during the moments you need them in life.
Just like the revolving wheel, this card is encouraging you to keep moving forward regardless of the situations you come across. While you are prepared to make a major change in life, you need to come to terms with the fact that challenges are inevitable along the way. You will find many reasons to stop and give up, yet this card challenges you to always be on the move. The revolving wheel also indicates that in the cycle of life, you ought to concentrate on your purpose and not let anything distract you. The lifeforce in you is a credit given to you by the universe to help you achieve the mission you were assigned to carry out.
Just like the four creatures on the card, you are assured that you have the support of the universe while you embrace change. It is important also that you look deeper into your life and give yourself some credit for how far you have come and how far you are going. The universe is certainly most proud of you!
Lets See How Your Love Card Connects With Your Birth Cards For Even More Clarity.
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