Your Tarot Message For Today

Sometimes You Can Only Find Heaven By Slowly Backing Away From The Places That Were Hell For You.

Sometimes You Can Only Find Heaven By Slowly Backing Away From The Places That Were Hell For You.

Today’s card is the Devil. So many times people are bound to things that are not good for them and they have a hard time letting go of the vices. When you love the pleasures of the world deeply, it is easy to do anything to maintain that kind of lifestyle. You have been doing things that are not working for you, and you have been dragging people to share in the consequences of your actions. It is time to put your act right and do what is best for you and everyone else.

The Devil card shows the devil in the manner he is represented in most satyrs, he looks like a half goat and half man. In the card, the devil has the wings of a vampire bat, which is an animal that sacks the blood of its prey, this is a reflection of what happens when you choose to give in to your raw desires. He has a hypnotic stare and entrances those who get close to him, bringing them under his control. The devil has an inverted pentagram above him, which is symbolic of the darker side of the things you do.

In the Devil card, a naked man and woman are chained, which seems to be against their will. When you look closer, the chains appear to be loosely tied and could be easily removed. Both of them have horns which show that the more you spend time with the devil, the more you become like him. The woman has grapes on her tail, while the man’s tail has fire which represents your addiction to the finer things in life, and power. The man and woman don’t look happy, the dominion the devil has over them shows that their individual power has been taken from them, leaving them ashamed of their nakedness and exposure. This card is a call for you to take back your power and to analyze the things you are addicted to, that would make you ensnared.

Do Not Gamble Your Wellbeing.

You have been limiting yourself from growth by the things you do and choose to be involved in.  The Devil card signifies your shadow side and the negativity that holds you back from being the best version of yourself. You may be at the effect of dependencies, thought patterns, negative habits, or addictions. You have found yourself confined between the short-term pleasures you receive and the long-term pain you are going through because of these vices.

In the card, the man and woman are held captive by the devil, the chains look loose meaning they are able to leave but they choose not to. This comes out as a self-inflicted pain because you are choosing this path, where you want to instantly gratify yourself, even if it is at the expense of your freedom and long-term well-being. It is practically like you have decided to sell your soul to the devil. You have the freedom to leave this kind of lifestyle, the card is a calling for you to pick up a favorable way of living.

Take Back Your Control.

Have you met a gambler? It is a vicious cycle where one is addicted to the habit of gambling, despite the fact that they know it is not good for them. Gamblers tend to feel enslaved to the habit- they just can’t stop. Any money they get; they think of gambling it with the thought that they will increase it hugely, which is often false. You relate to this in some way, you have been tricked into thinking you have no control over the negative vices you have, and you have accepted them to be part of you like you can never break free from their hold. You believe you must have it, you see it as a need, even if it means going against what you know is right, just for you to have it.

In the Devil card, the man and woman have small horns, they are becoming slowly like him, the vices have trapped them, they also don’t look happy. They know that the devil is not doing them any good, but they are willing to continue to be mastered by him, for them to maintain the privileges they get. Deep down you know it’s your downfall, and you are doing yourself and others a disservice when you choose to satisfy those desires and needs. This is the time to break free from these negative patterns, you need to acknowledge that they have a hold over you and they are creating a negative impact in your life. Take back your power and do not allow yourself to be controlled by things that are not helpful to you.

Slowly Let Go Of Your Negative Patterns.

It is unrealistic to tell a gambler to stop gambling and expect them to immediately drop it, this is a highly addictive character and requires a lot of patience. Recovered gamblers can admit that it was not an easy journey letting go of the habit, you feel the urge sometimes and you attend to it, despite that you have already started recovering from it. So why do you think you can let go of your vices overnight? You need to be patient with yourself in this journey.

In the Devil card, nothing is hiding, all the negativity reflected is seen and you are made aware of it.  This is a chance for you to bring the negative influences in your life into conscious awareness. You have to take action and free yourself from their trap, no matter how enticing they seem to be. In the card, the devil is hypnotic, you can get easily entranced, which shows that you can get lost when you continue staying in that path. Shine your light to the negative patterns that have been standing in your way, you do not need those pleasures you get, mostly if you have to do something wrong to get them. You will not overcome your addictions overnight, it may be recurring and it will take a great amount of strength and willpower for you to be free from their influence. Remember that it is possible and it is up to you to start making changes.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Do not blame yourself, instead find solutions to fix the issues in your life. We all stumble and fall, but it is up to you whether to remain down. Reclaim your individual power and be free, there are yet other beautiful things in life, waiting for you.


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