Your Arcana Message For Today

History Repeats Itself, But It Comes In Such A Cunning Disguise That Until The Damage Is Done, You May Not Notice The Resemblance Of It.

History Repeats Itself, But It Comes In Such A Cunning Disguise That Until The Damage Is Done, You May Not Notice The Resemblance Of It.

Today’s tarot card is the Tower. When you have built a high tower, it is prudent to check if you have set it on a stable foundation. You have been doing well in your life and you have experienced progressiveness. If what you have built over time was not created on a genuine foundation, you risk experiencing damage and having all your work falling under.

The card itself shows a tall Tower standing on the top of a rocky mountain. Lightning strikes setting the building ablaze, and two people leap out of the windows in an act of desperation. This symbolizes your desire to escape the destruction and turmoil within. The tower itself is a solid structure but it takes a few lightning strikes to bring it down because it has been built on a shaky foundation. This represents the goals and ambitions that you have made on a false account.

The lightning signifies a sudden outpour of insight and energy that leads to a revelation. You have been thinking events are happening as they should in your life only to realize there is a tendency that you are repeating which is a result of your history and it is time to change that narrative from your mind. The lightning enters through the top of the building and knocks it off which symbolizes energy flowing from the universe through the crown chakra; it results in transformation because of the spiritual connection. You have to remember that even in disaster, there is divine intervention to help you pull through.

Damage Serves A Purpose.

You avoid the thought of something bad happening because you do not think you can survive the results of it. You have underestimated your potential of handling things, but it is good to remember that there is nothing you can go through that you cannot recover from. It is ideal if you keep an open mind and do not be too attached to the things and people of the universe, because you have the least control over such matters. In the card, the lightning is not foreseen, yet it destroys and brings chaos to the whole Tower. This shows the upheaval and changes you are yet to undergo. It may be the death of a loved one, a divorce, health problems, or even financial failure.

You may experience an event that shakes you to your core, affecting you mentally, physically, and spiritually. You will find that you cannot escape it. In the card, you see the people escaping through the window to avoid destruction but still do not know what they will fall on. They have no secure ground that will keep them safe. The change you are likely to experience will tear things up and destroy everything in its path. Pain and hurt cannot be underestimated, but you have to trust it is for your own good and it will serve a higher purpose. Open your mind to the revelations you experience and let the chaos you face give you a better perspective on life. Become a better and stronger person.

Damage Is Foreseen Where There Is Falsehood.

You have built up yourself so well and you feel secure in where you are in life. You feel grounded and believe that you will maintain this position. It has been a while since you challenged your belief system and the things that you stand for, you need to be keen because you might have misaligned yourself from the truth.  In the card, The Tower, despite being solid, is easily destroyed because of the shaky foundation it stands on. This means that anything you have built on illusion, lack of integrity, and mistrust will come crumbling down.

You may not have noticed you are taking this path or you may have felt compelled to, but over time you get to realize your original beliefs were built on a false understanding and what is happening right now is a reflection of what you have taken up along the way. Clear your path from any falsehood and let the truth be the foundation you set, allow honesty, openness, and integrity to lead the way, with that even when you face the storm, you will be well secure and will have nothing to lose.

Get Insights And Allow Revelations To Unravel.

Being stuck up can prevent you from having new experiences. What if what you believe in is actually making you face recurring situations? It is time for you to be open to new insights. Connect yourself spiritually to the universe and allow transformation to happen. Even when you get challenged or reach the bottom of your situation, believe the divine intervention will set you up in the right place again.

The lightning in the card is a representation of the clarity and insight you will receive, that will cut through the illusions and lies you have been telling yourself and will give room for the truth to come to light. You will realize you have been building your life on false assumptions, blatant lies, and illusions and this will make your whole world come down crashing on you. You are questioning what is real and what is not, and you wonder what you can trust and rely upon. This is disorienting and very confusing for you because your whole belief system has been challenged.

It is time for you to fix the damage that has been done over time, allow the revelations to unfold to you what is right, and let this truth lead your path. Embrace insights that settle the storm, and give you a better understanding of things. Do not walk blindly, picking whatever you find along the way, choose what to believe in.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Allow things that are shaky to self-destruct in your life, so that you can refocus and rebuild again on a more solid ground. Trust that life is happening for your own good and that you are still in control and there is a reason why things have turned out that way. Embrace growth, because some kind of change can be hard for you.


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