Your Arcana Message For Today

It Takes Determination, Sweat, And Hardwork For A Dream To Be Realized. It Does Not Happen Through Magic.

It Takes Determination, Sweat, And Hardwork For A Dream To Be Realized. It Does Not Happen Through Magic.

Today’s tarot card is the Seven of Pentacles. Sometimes you have to stop and see how much work you have put in and celebrate yourself. You have been working very hard and you feel worn out, it is time to take a break and enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is the season to reap the fruits that you sowed.

In the Seven of Pentacles tarot card, a man is admiring the blossoms and fruits in his garden while taking a break from his hard labor which symbolizes that you have been working very hard and you need to see the good work you have been doing. He hangs on his shovel while admiring the seven pentacles that are hanging from the vegetation. The man is feeling fatigued by the way his head is laying on his hands. He has been working very hard to make sure he has good produce. The man is focused on his long-term goals and he cannot start using his harvest. He reserves one for himself with the thought of investing and keeping the rest of his crop for the long term. This represents your plans and how hard you have worked and your desire to invest and use what you have sparingly for you to have a good future.

Stock Is Beneficial For Your Future.

Many times you find it easy to use up all the resources you have, mostly if they are not enough and also if you entertain the thought that tomorrow will fend for itself. You need to know that tomorrow is planned for by you and the consequences of your actions will be felt by you. In the card, the man is keeping aside six pentacles and having one for himself, hoping that he will be able to grow the rest for the future. He is denying himself the pleasure of enjoying all his produce. This shows you that you cannot have your cake and eat it too, in regards to having a better life. You have to self-sacrifice and see the long-term benefits instead.

The Seven of Pentacles encourages you to assess where you can invest your energy and time for you to get the maximum results.  You do not want to keep your heart in something that will not reap the rewards of all the work you have done. You have to be wise on what you invest in and keep as much as you can to make sure you get comfortable ahead.

Nothing Good Comes Easy.

Before you can own something, you have to go the extra mile of working hard and committing to it. For you to see good returns will not be a miracle. In the card, the man is laying his head on his hands to show fatigue, to show that the good crop he has didn’t come easily but required him to put in hard work, to be determined and committed. You have been putting extra effort into something that challenges you recently and the fruits of it are near culmination. Rest assured that all your hard work will pay off and you will see tangible rewards from it. You are not tired in vain, it pays off. What joy you feel that the universe is abundantly giving you what you deserve. Keep up what you are doing, it is surely getting noticed.

Stocks Can Fluctuate.

You have been working very hard and you wonder if you will be able to get good results from it. It is normal to experience worry because of the uncertainty that comes with investing. You have to know that stocks fluctuate, and even if they don’t seem as productive now, when you give it more time it might turn out to be rewarding as you expected or way more. The Seven of Pentacles can indicate frustration because of the slow results. You may feel concerned that your efforts will go unrewarded, despite you laboring away. Allow yourself to appreciate the progress you have made so far and be patient. Do not let your expectations be unreasonable, maybe that’s why your hard work has not paid off as you had planned. There are no guarantees that things will work out, be grateful, do what you can with what you have and focus on the present.

Do What Benefits You. 

You have been denying yourself so much because of the plans you have for your future. However, you have to figure how much to keep and also to ensure you are comfortable in the present. Do not deny yourself too much with the hope of having plenty later on. In the card, you see the man just keeping one for himself and the rest he plans to use in the long term. As much as this is a good thing, find the balance to creating a favorable life for yourself.  Your stock is no assurance that things will work out, sometimes it can fail and you can lose so much of it. Be keen about how much you keep aside, and even if you do, see if it is heading in the right direction of productivity. If where you have invested is not working for you over a long period, it may be time to reconsider your strategies.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You do not just invest and wait for it, keep monitoring it, try to see if it is working for you. You have to maintain reasonable expectations in life to avoid disappointments or the urge to give up quickly. Your future and your present are within your power, you are the one who can fail or make yourself succeed, so do not be afraid to put in the hard work and have sleepless nights when working. You will enjoy the fruits of your labor eventually. The journey to success is not for the faint-hearted. but rather to the resilient ones who choose to work against their odds in life.


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