Your Arcana Message For Today

Recovery Will Always Challenge You with Lessons You Must Learn And Tests You Must Pass.

Recovery Will Always Challenge You with Lessons You Must Learn And Tests You Must Pass.

Today’s card is the Sun. Recovering from a dark place in life revives the feeling of hope in someone. It appears as if you can finally see the sun and feel alive again. You have been learning lessons and going through tests during your journey, and in as much as it has been difficult, you can now say that you understand better and you can see growth and progress in your life.

The sun card represents the dawn. It is a reminder that the darkest hour is just before dawn hence you need to persevere in the dark phase you are in as it will soon be dawn. It is a card of optimism as the sun is representing the energy of life. In the card, there is a joyful child being carried by a white horse which symbolizes your inner child that you need to embrace so that you can live a fulfilled life. The child is naked and the horse is white which means you have nothing to hide and you need to embrace the purity in your heart. If you have been facing a difficult moment in life, this card is an indicator that you are on a journey to recovery.

Radiate Positivity.

When going through recovery, your energy really matters a lot and will be reflected by the progress of your healing. Recovering from any bad situation requires a lot of willpower and strength to come out of the other healing side. You should have a positive mentality even when things get tough. Bring sunshine into your situation.  You have been doing your best to see the benefits of having better habits and being intentional about the things you do. 

In the card, the Sun symbolizes radiance, success, and abundance. People are drawn to you because you give them hope and show them the brighter side of things even when they are going through tough times. You are set in a position where you can share your achievements and high qualities with others. Radiate who you are and do not hide what you stand for. Let your light continue shining on those whose lives you touch.

Fulfillment At The End Of Recovery.

While starting your recovery journey, there are a lot of self-doubts, wondering if you are capable of doing it well in the first place. You climb a lot of mountains and go through very dark times, you challenge yourself and you get to see who you truly are and what you are capable of. You have chosen the hard road of dealing with yourself and learning who you truly are. You are ready to face your inner demons, your fears and insecurities, and why you act as you do. You are breaking barriers reassuring yourself and becoming more confident.

The Sun in the card is connecting you to your power, which is not fear-driven or egotistical. You have abundant inner energy that radiates through you. You sense it calling to you to be fully present in the world and to express yourself authentically. You have found fulfillment at the end of your journey to recovery and now you have what others have. This is the time to give them hope and show them that it is possible to come out better, you are a living example. Tap into your power and express it positively.

Keep On Forging Ahead.

It is always a sad experience when you have a relapse while you are on a recovery journey. When it is hard to resist the temptation of falling back and you can’t stop telling yourself that maybe you were meant to stay down, but that is a lie, there is so much waiting for you ahead. How often do you convince yourself of a lie to make yourself feel better? You have let your challenges define you. You have stopped trying and now you are settling for things that you know are not good for you. Falling is a must but that is no excuse to continue staying down. 

If you are going through difficult times, the Sun reassures you that things will get better just as you had hoped.  Let the challenges you have faced help you forge ahead. You have discovered who you are and you are getting to know your purpose. Now you are filled with energy for the future and you can already perceive abundance and success coming to you. You are filled with confidence because you know everything will work out for you-it always does.

Embrace Who You Are.

While recovering, you get to learn to respect who you are, and you remove yourself from the expectations and confines of other people. You love yourself as you are and you embrace your journey. This is a major step to ensuring you get positive results. You have been blaming yourself for so many things, you have tried to please everyone else. 

In the card, the child is naked which means that you are aligning with your true self and you have nothing to hide.  You have to embrace your flaws, know how to make yourself better, and do not try justifying yourself to anyone. You are more capable than you think and you have so much strength in you, which is represented by the horse in the card.  You are as you are to fulfill your purpose and to guide others.

Each person is different with a different responsibility, so do not try to be like everyone else. You will always wonder what you were brought here to do.  You, as the Child in the card, have pure intentions toward your journey and also while helping others. Let genuine care by your driving force, till each person comes out as a conqueror. You do it, one person, at a time until you get there.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You deserve to be confident about yourself, look at all those hurdles you have crossed. The sun is shining on you; it is a good time in your life. Enjoy the fulfillment you get and radiate your positive energy everywhere else. Everyone is looking for some sunshine, give it freely.


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