Your Arcana Message For Today

You Have The Chance To Start Again As Long As You Are Still Alive And Have The Determination To Do It.

You Have The Chance To Start Again As Long As You Are Still Alive And Have The Determination To Do It.

Today’s tarot card is the Magician. Many times you wish things played out in one way or another. You have learned some life lessons and you want a chance to start over and do better. The good thing is if your focus is in the right place, you will be able to grab this opportunity to have new beginnings.

The Magician tarot card is numbered one, which is a number for new opportunities and beginnings. In the card, a man stands with one arm pointing towards the earth and the other stretched out towards the universe which symbolizes that your outer reflection reflects your inner soul. It can also represent the connection between the spiritual and material realm, and the ability you have to manifest what you want, including your goals, into being. The magician’s robe is white to symbolize purity and his cloak is red to represent the worldly knowledge and experience that you have.

On the table before him, there are four symbols of the suits of tarot.  A pentacle, sword, wand, and cup which are the four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, that are a sign that you have all the tools you need to manifest your intentions into being. Above his head is the infinity symbol which shows that you have access to unlimited potential.  Also in the foreground, there are flowers and foliage which represent the fruition of your ideas and aspirations.

You Have What You Need In You To Be Fit.

You have been wondering if you have what it takes to be fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most times you have created excuses to avoid facing the situation, that you need to start taking care of yourself. The magician brings you the tools, energy, and resources to make your dream come true. Everything you need is now at your fingertips, use them. You have the mental (air), physical(earth), emotional(water), and spiritual(fire) resources you need to manifest your desires into being. When you combine all these resources you will become unstoppable. You have to visualize what you want, see the result, and let that be a motivator of how far you want to go. You have to stop finding reasons to not engage, the universe is behind you in this journey to reach your better self.

You Become What You Take In. 

Over time, you have realized that your lifestyle and feeding habits have seriously impacted the shape your health and body are in today. You have been conditioned to live a certain way by the things you see and also by the pressures that surround you. In the card, the magician is in a red cloak which symbolizes the worldly knowledge and experience you have. This signifies the need of letting go of anything that is not befitting that you have taken up over time. The white robe shows that you have a chance to make things pure. To detox and cleanse your system is all up to you. You are not denied the chance to make this remarkable transformation.

This is the perfect time for you to move forward on the idea of being fit and starting a better lifestyle. You are being called to take action and bring your intention to fruition because your seed of potential has sprouted. Use the skills, capabilities, and knowledge that you gathered along your life path, which is positive, to lead you to where you want to be. You are ready to turn your ideas into reality, do not hesitate.

Fitness Starts Inwards And Is Reflected By Your Outer Being.

It is easy to result in a fast way of being fit, either mentally, physically, or spiritually without wanting to deal with your inner self. However, these results will be short-lived and will not give you the satisfaction you need. You have to decide to work on your inner self first. Be attuned from the inwards, it will drive you to push harder. You cannot give what you don’t have in you, deal with this difficult part first. In the card, you see the magician pointing his arm towards the sky and the other towards the earth, this shows the need of having to sync in your inner and outer self. Once you change your attitude and perspective around something, you will notice that the way you handle it becomes different also. The magician calls you to take inspired action and know why you are doing what you want to do, and find a higher purpose. Put in your concentration and focus to bring your goals to fruition.

You Have Unlimited Potential.

You have to believe in yourself. You have constantly doubted if some things are cut out for you. You have constantly been the barrier to your own success. You have to open your inner eyes and see all the zeal and energy that is within, that is far beyond what you can imagine. In the magician card, you see the snake around his waist that goes around him and bites its tail, you also see the infinity symbol on his head which shows the limitless abilities you have. The magician is calling out to you to tap into that unmet potential and not limit yourself. Drop any distractions that may hinder you from seeing it. Be methodical in your planning to make sure you stay on track and you use your capabilities to your advantage.

Top Tip Of The Day.

You are a creative and powerful being. This is your opportunity to bring your higher self out and put it in alignment with your day-to-day life to create the future you desire. You have the power to do amazing things, look into yourself and you will find all the treasures you need to make your life better. Do not settle for being average, you have a higher calling than that. Have a clear idea of what you want, visualize it, and stay committed to your course, you will see wonderful things. This is the number one card, a time for you to take the opportunities around you and have new beginnings.


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