Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Focus On Your Inner Self And Know The Right Time To Upgrade

Focus On Your Inner Self And Know The Right Time To Upgrade

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Today’s tarot card is The High Priestess. When you are feeling stagnant in life, it could be a sign of obsoleteness hence you need to update your software to ensure your operations run smoothly. 

The High priestess card has the image of a woman clothed in blue to identify your feminine side and the need to use it as your source of strength whenever you are faced with the battles of life. The woman stands between two pillars to identify your decision on whether to upgrade and have an updated version of yourself. The woman holds a scroll in her hand and this is significant because you are in a situation where you are in total control of your life. You alone can make the decision whether to do something or not since you get to call the shots. At the woman’s feet lies the symbol of a crescent moon while the crown on her head is made of a symbol representing the full moon in the midst of two horns. 

Finding A Compatible Software

Getting software that is not compatible with the user’s device can be hectic because it is useless, hence one needs to take their time in choosing the most suitable one. In life, compatibility is critical in every aspect and it directly affects the performance of a person. The company you keep determines your lifestyle hence you need to ensure you are compatible. Remember that one spoiled potato is capable of destroying the whole sack of potatoes and understand the intensity of the people you call your friends and how compatibility comes in.

The High priestess card could indicate that you are hanging out with people whom you are not compatible with. It is okay to associate with others yet if you keep on mingling with people whose vision and mission do not align with yours, then you will definitely lose sight of where you are going. Like the adage goes that birds of a feather flock together, you are called upon to look for friends who are in the same journey as you are and a destiny similar to yours. In life, you are the computer device and if a software that is not compatible to you is installed, it will be useless as there is no role that it can play and this is reason enough for you to let go of the incompatible friends you have.

Updating Your Software

Upon a software being installed in a device, it has to keep on being upgraded and updated so that the performance remains good as well as productivity. When a software has been used for a very long time, it has a high chance of becoming obsolete and slowing down its performance when not upgraded. Software is always upgraded since there are always new versions of the same coming up every now and then. 

The High Priestess card could indicate that you have been hiding your identity because you are afraid of what the world will say about you. You feel the need to hide your strengths and this only ends up in taming the real you. You need not hide yourself anymore for this card indicates that it is time to update your software and become the best version of yourself. Like the high priestess, refuse to settle for mediocrity since you are capable of being in charge. Let go of your fear, wear your crown and take up your scroll ready to conquer the world. Do not hesitate for the universe is at your head and at your feet ready to show you the way.

Installing An Antivirus

Purchasing a software costs the user quite a good amount of money hence in an event where the software is corrupted, the user will suffer a great loss. To protect the software, a user installs an antivirus which prevents malware from attacking the computer and eating up the software. An antivirus might be expensive yet failure to purchase it will only result into a great loss when the software is attacked. Most of the time human beings know the need to protect what they have yet they sit down and do nothing. Immediately they lose what they had, they begin to regret their actions and wish they had protected them better. 

The High Priestess card could indicate that you are facing plenty of threats in your life hence you need antivirus. People are ridiculing you and trying to lower your self-esteem by explaining to you how much you are not doing things in the right manner and providing ways for you to drop your crown and be like them. If by any chance you happen to listen to them,you will be similar to a corrupted software since they will fill up your mind with doubts and by the time they are done with you, nobody will recognize you as your sparkle will have faded. This card is a warning that you need to protect your software which is your life with a strong antivirus which is your confidence.

Top Tip of The day

The High priestess card is a warning card and a call-to-action card as it warns you against associating with incompatible friends who are on a mission to render your software useless. It is a call to upgrade your software before you begin to reduce your performance and it finally sends a warning that associating with people who are on a mission to destroy you is the surest way to corrupt your software and in the end your device will crash. Like the High priestess, you have everything you need at your disposal to ensure you do the needful that ensures your software remains top-notch.


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