Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

You Can Decide Not To Be Reduced By The Events That Happen To You, Even If You Don't Have Control Over Them.

You Can Decide Not To Be Reduced By The Events That Happen To You, Even If You Don't Have Control Over Them.

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Today's tarot card is The Strength. Many times things happen to you that you are not in control of. It is easy to let your emotions and thought process be changed by the consistent scenarios you find yourself in. It requires extra willpower to come above them if the experiences were negative. You have been going through a lot of battles in your head because you want to remain positive, but your heart worries that you may raise your hope for nothing. You keep wondering why the negative events are frequent, maybe it is time to evaluate what you claim and the energy you give out to the universe. The Strength tarot card encourages you to conquer your inner challenges and slowly let the light of hopeful expectations set in.

Keep Away From Negative Influences.

Having negative vibes can drain you of your happy feeling and disrupt your sense of wellbeing. You can get negative influences from people, places, or things that bring unfavorable feelings to you. It may be that there are people in your life who are toxic, could be because of their constant criticisms, or the bad habits they keep displaying. It is time for you to claim a better setting for yourself and begin creating the life you want to live. You have big goals that you want to achieve, the people around you seem to not understand and they think you are an overachiever.

You may have started to think that maybe it is not possible to do everything you wanted. The lack of support could be from your family, partner, or even friends who would want you to focus on something else. Luckily, you never lack someone in your corner who is constantly assuring you and directing you to the right path. What you claim for your life will happen, but if only you choose to overcome the challenges that are set before you.

In the card, the infinity symbol above the head of the female figure symbolizes your great potential and wisdom. This card calls to you to use these two abilities to your advantage. You are capable of doing many things for the good of those around you, but first, you have to completely remove or avoid the people or spaces that give you this energy. For those that are permanently present, work to limit how you are exposed to them and mentally secure yourself before you decide to meet them.

Learn About Your Inner Strength.

You cannot claim anything good in your life and it comes to pass if you are filled with insecurity, self-doubt, and fear. These are good energy-killers. They will rob you of your confidence and also undermine your ability to get back up when you face troubles. You are a strong person and you have developed resilience by overcoming the difficult situations you meet and keeping an open mind. This has been your inner strength. You have been listening to your critical inner thoughts. You have allowed them to hamper your potential and diminish your feelings. You may have lost a lot of opportunities because of constantly displaying this vibe of self-doubt and constantly downplaying yourself. You know where you lost it, it may be by the occasional thoughts you allowed to get to you slowly.

You know you are meant for a better life and you are trying to cultivate your attitude towards that. Work to empower yourself by channeling your inner lion. You are a master by your own self, you have the power to create everything you want. Whatever you see in your life right now, you have created. Claim good things and believe they will happen, and you will be amazed by how they unravel. Claim positivity, self-belief, confidence, and courage. You will realize that all this will flow from you. Do not just claim them, believe and practice them.

In the Strength card, the Lion represents these animal instincts that you have. The female figure has clasped the jaws of this lion together, to show you that you don't have to use force to subdue and overcome these feelings, but rather you can channel your inner strength and bring out more positive results. You will emerge victorious once you have figured out how to tame these energies that aren't working for you. learn them and know what triggers them to appear and slowly work on rectifying the issue.

Practice Compassion And Kindness.

You cannot claim that people are unkind while you don't practice it yourself. Acts of kindness have profound impacts on people.  If you claim your life is not vibrant, try being compassionate to other people, you will notice that you will be more satisfied with your life, you will build stronger relationships, and enjoy better mental and physical strength. You have desired to feel purposeful and have something that drives you. You do not believe that life is all about material wealth as society is trying to claim. You may have had a lot of good people in your life lately who care about your well-being and are keen to know if you are okay. Giving has created a positive feedback scenario for you because the more you give, the more goodness you have received in return. You feel excited and you are looking forward to better things in your life because of the peace you feel, which is a good thing.

The white robe worn by the female figure in the card symbolizes the purity of your intentions with people. The flowers growing around her shows your beautiful nature and your ability to spread color into people's lives. People will benefit from your caring nature. Do not stop spreading it out even if you do not think it is well reciprocated. Keep up your acts, no matter how little, it fuels happiness and shows the goodness of humanity to others.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Because you know you have all the power to create in your hands, how will you use it? You can no longer claim that fate played you the wrong cards because even then, you will have a way to bring good results, in a different way. Do not be a victim of destiny, steer your course.


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