Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

It Is Necessary To Trade But Be Careful Not To Trade Your Happiness

It Is Necessary To Trade But Be Careful Not To Trade Your Happiness

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Today’s tarot card is The Moon. In the darkest of nights, the full moon is a reminder that there is always hope. When life pushes you to a point where you feel like you have to give up everything and let go just because you cannot see what tomorrow holds, the Moon card is a card of hope to caution you against trading your purpose just because it is dark. There is always a ray or right even in the darkest of nights. 

The Moon tarot card has the image of a full moon with a sad face inside it to signify that you might be in a place where you are hiding your sorrow so that you may not cause worry to the people who are looking up to you. Although it is a brave and selfless thing to do, trading your happiness for the joy of others may end up causing you much pain. The moon is seen between two towers to represent the dilemmas you are facing in life and you are always wondering what to trade for the other. Below the moon, two creatures are howling at it to represent the people who are always looking up to you and even criticizing you. There is a waterbody behind the creatures and a crayfish emerges to represent the twist of events in your life and the realization that things do not always work out as you always want them to. 

Trading Your Dreams

Children tend to have dreams that most people perceive as fantasies yet the children believe that they will achieve them. However, as they grow up they begin to let go of some of those dreams simply because the world perceives them as crazy or unachievable. Children who once believed they had the power to change the world grow up and conform to be adults who have lost faith in the universe and lack even the slightest hint of faith in themselves. When reminded of their childhood dreams, they claim that that was just a childhood fantasy that they outgrew. 

The Moon card is a call for you to stop trading your dreams just because you want to fit in the current world. Like the creatures in the card howling at the moon, many people are going to ridicule you just because your light is shining brightly but that should not be a reason for you to dim that light. If you keep listening to those people who ridicule you and decide to please them then you will be trading your reason for existence in the universe and you will lose sight of your destiny. This card is a reminder that nobody should make you doubt yourself for you are amazing and capable of achieving great things in the universe hence do not entertain any thought or suggestions to trade your dreams.

Trading Your Happiness

The full moon in the card burns brightly yet there is a sad face inside it hence the outer light does not reflect the inner sorrow. Sometimes people mask their pain and appear alright yet they are breaking on the inside. When this happens they may reason out that they are doing so to protect their loved ones yet in the real sense they are trading their happiness.

The Moon card could indicate that you are in a relationship where you do not understand your partner. You may be listening to their words yet you miss out on their hearts. Your partner could be trading their happiness just to make you happy and although they may be smiling on the outside and appearing content, they may be breaking inside and if not careful they may eventually burn themselves out. You are thus called upon to listen to your partner not just in the word they speak to you but in their unspoken words. The universe will direct you on the right path and once you understand them, let them know that they can always trust you with anything and not have to trade their happiness for yours. 

Trading Your Power

In the Moon card, the moon continues to gleam brightly no matter how much the creatures below howl. You might be in a position where you are about to give up on yourself just because some people told you you are not talented enough or you will never make it. While their words may be hurting and you may begin to resonate with them, the Moon card is a reminder that you cannot trade the power to make decisions out of the howls of people who have no voice in your life. 

Like the Moon between the two similar towers, you will be faced with situations where you will have to make a decision. Some decisions will be hard as they will push you into a dilemma yet you cannot afford to trade your power by failing to make the decisions or letting someone else decide for you. At that moment, you will be required to think critically and let the universe direct you into making the most suitable decision.

Top Tip Of The Day

The Moon tarot card is a card of good luck and a sign of hope for it indicates that no matter how dark a night is, the moon will always be the light at the end of the tunnel. It is also a reminder that you do not need to trade your dreams and purpose in the universe just because people are trying to convince you that your light is too bright and you ought to dim it. While people around you may seem excited and happy, the moon card demystifies the belief that what you see is what you get and it is a challenge for you to listen to the unspoken words for it is in there that you realize what they are trading to maintain the smiley facade. 


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