Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Tomorrow Is Uncertain; Donate While You Still Have The Favour Of The Universe

Tomorrow Is Uncertain; Donate While You Still Have The Favour Of The Universe

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Today’s tarot card is The Tower. When you are more blessed than others, do not be proud and look down upon them. Instead, be kind enough to donate to those who may need what you have in excess. Kindness costs you nothing but instead it is the secret to living a happy and fulfilled life. You may never know the value of a gratitude wish by someone you made a donation towards, yet they had given up on all hopes but you restored their smile. With donations, the universe will always ensure your hands are always full and your pockets never dry.

Donate To Reduce Inequality

As long as the opportunities in the world are not equal; where some people access resources and opportunities more easily than others, the state of inequality will always exist. In the rat race in life where survival is dependent on how fit one is, the less fortunate will always lag behind. Although the gap cannot be completely eradicated, it can be reduced through donation. Those with more are called upon to donate to those who have nothing. 

The Tower card could indicate that you are lucky to be blessed with plenty of resources. The universe has been kind enough to you and rewarded you with everything that you require to lead a successful life. However, this card is a reminder that there are people living in the same universe as you yet they cannot afford the things you take for granted. Based on your human nature, you may think that they are just a bunch of lazy people who do not want to work hard and earn what you have. As a matter of fact, you may beat your chest on how hard you worked to get where you are at the moment. If you begin to harbour such thoughts, you will never embrace donation and you will think that nobody deserves it. 

In the Tower card, there are two people; a man and a woman, falling off the tower with their heads almost hitting the ground. This is a dangerous situation they are in as they can see the danger that awaits them where they could lose their lives or become impaired. The Tower card is here to warn you that life can change in the blink of an eye. You may own the world today yet tomorrow you may be begging in the streets.  If you are somebody who donates to those in need and tables turn on you tomorrow, you can be sure that there will be people to stand up for you and with you. However, if you have distinguished yourself from others and you keep looking down at them since you are at the peak, be sure that you will be helpless when the tower comes crumbling down and it will be the end of the road for you. 

Being At The Top Is A Chance To Donate

When people are elevated, the universe is giving them an opportunity to lift and elevate others too and help them get into the level they are in. It is unfortunate that upon being elevated, most people forget where they came from. Worse still, they look down on people who helped them when they were facing low moments in life. They act like a person helped to climb a ladder but upon getting at the top, they hide that ladder. Sometimes this is a result of an inferior mentality where one feels that if they uplift another person, it will result in competition between them. 

The Tower card comes as a warning to anyone who fails to donate just because they do not want to uplift others. However, this does not mean that you should rush to make donations because you do not want to experience the wrath of the universe since making a donation is more than just giving what you no longer need. Most people respond to the donation call without understanding what it fully entails. The Tower card reveals that when you are called upon to make a donation, do not rush to dispose of what you do not require anymore but give because you wish to uplift someone. If you cannot draw a line between making a donation and getting rid of the things you no longer need, then know that it is not in your position to make a donation. A donation is a sacrifice and making it should be painful, not physical pain but experiencing the type of pain that one feels when they have to let go of something that they treasure.

In the Tower Card, the tower is collapsing because it has been hit by lightning. As a human being, life may strike you down at any moment regardless of who you are or the power that you possess. Like the building that even had a crown, sometimes you may think you have secured your life and especially your future only for life to come knocking you down. Nobody is immune to the blows of life but with the support of other people around you, the blows become less painful. Hence, if you are in a position to help others today, do so for you know not what tomorrow looks like.

Top Tip Of The Day

Making a donation is the quickest way to reduce the inequality gap that is a huge crisis that the world is facing. The Tower card is a reminder that the universe has been generous enough to uplift you hence you should reciprocate that by uplifting those beneath you. While being at the top can create a sudden sense of pride where you may feel that those beneath you deserve no donations but they should put in more effort to get to your level, you are reminded that being at the top of the tower is not the end goal for it can come crumbling down at any given moment. For this reason, always be kind.


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