Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Sometimes To See The Light, All It Takes Is A New Perspective.

Sometimes To See The Light, All It Takes Is A New Perspective.

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Today’s tarot card is the Hanged Man. There are things we get in life that are good in the short term but once you continuously have them in your life, they begin to have different bad effects. If the negative outweighs the positive, the reasonable thing is to do away with them. However, what if you are used to them, such that they are part of your main life, and you have not considered any other alternatives?

You may have acquired some habits that are pulling you back, making you remain in a stagnant position. Even though you know about them, you find it too hard to drop them and start all over again. The Hanged man card urges you not to self-sabotage. It encourages you to move beyond the current benefits and fix your life based on your long-term vision.

Gas Brings Unnecessary Effects.

The extraction of gas and the processes it goes through release a lot of hazardous substances that can cause diseases like cancer, asthma, and even pollution. The use of gas has a lot of health impacts on communities living around the processing places, including respiratory diseases. As much as gas has helped people in cooking and heating and other activities that need energy, the repercussions of its use are so many. Many countries hinder any independent research around gas because they probably haven’t found any better alternatives yet.

If you have the power to avoid something that doesn’t work for you, it is better to do so, rather than choose to be a victim. You may have put yourself in a position where you wanted to offer help to someone, but they took it all wrong and have continuously taken advantage of you. You fail to understand how it got there, yet you had started all this in good faith. You probably thought someone cared for you and you were choosing to show concern back. You may have realized that the more you help, the more entitled they get to what is yours and anytime you fail to offer assistance, the relationship is affected. These instances may have interfered with your time, affected your finances or your general well-being. You may not want the relationship to end, because you benefit from it in some way, could be your employer. However, sometimes it is necessary to choose yourself and address any issues that enable disrespectful treatment.

The Hanged Man in the card is tied with a loose rope on the legs, in a position that he feels he cannot move, though it is clear he can leave if he wants to. This shows that you are in a situation that is not making you happy. You probably feel trapped in a situation that is bothering you but you have the power to release yourself. You do not have to entertain unnecessary situations in your life in the name of pleasing others.  You sure feel tired and you want to reclaim your power of choice and freedom to do things of your will. This card wants you to untie yourself and experience joy again.

You Can Try New Things.

You do not have to follow everything everyone does without questioning just because you found it going on. If you do not like a certain thing, find what suits you and make it work. Gas has been of so much help to human beings, and to some extent, they are dependable on it. Most people have not tried the alternatives of gas, because they may be expensive. People living in a home with gas face risks of getting into accidents and respiratory issues like asthma and have therefore come up with ways of dealing with such gas problems, such as ventilation, servicing appliances, and opening windows.

You can figure a way of going around your problems if you do not have a fixed solution. You may be in a situation that does not make you comfortable which you have considered walking away from. It has become difficult for you to leave because you are attached either to the person or the whole situation. You are being forced to create a new perspective around it for it to continue thriving. This could be your marriage which you feel lacks the excitement you expected and it is more difficult to work and build a healthy relationship. You may feel that things are not turning out the way you had planned. You miss the adrenaline of meeting new people and you may take this as a green light to move ahead. Your intuition is hesitant on this move and you feel undecided when you fully think about it.

In the card, the man is hanged upside down which means that you should choose to see things from a different perspective. This will help you find ways to refresh things again. There is also a halo on top of the man’s head to symbolize that you are aware of what is going on around you and you are choosing to use the new insights you get to try again and create something that favors you.  Take your time away to connect with your loved ones, even if you have put important matters aside, you will not regret it.  When you conquer yourself at this level, you will have to prepare yourself for the next level of upgrade that is happening in your life. Do not resist this journey, as you may experience more obstacles along the way. Allow this opportunity of transition to flow effortlessly as you also learn.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Just like using gas, you cannot term something as bad if it once served you well. You have to slowly adapt better ways of doing things and slowly let the first go. You cannot know everything, so when the lessons start coming in, embrace them and let the new insight change the way you act, where needed. Continuously increase your knowledge and live comfortably with the choices you make, just as the Hanged Man.   


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