Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Because You Were Not Quite Ready For The First, Sometimes You Just Need A Second Chance.

Because You Were Not Quite Ready For The First, Sometimes You Just Need A Second Chance.

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Today’s tarot card is The Empress. You must have gone through some experiences in life that required you to toughen up and focus on other priority things. In the quest to succeed, you end up being too hard on yourself and you create no room for self-expression. With the Empress card, you are called to go to rehab again and let yourself go, allow yourself to feel again, be vulnerable and see the growth happening from within. You have been so hard on yourself, this is the time to give yourself some leeway to experience the beauty of life and who you are.

It All Begins With You.

Going to rehab has to be a decision that you make for yourself first. It is how you envision living your life when you are free from substance abuse. You can actually take yourself to rehab without waiting for others to show up for you and do the work, or rather by blaming your drug addiction on outside circumstances that you felt led you to this. You have to know what you want from the whole process. When you go to rehab, you have time to figure out how you will move away from all the toxicity you have been involved in, towards a happier and healthier existence. It is a chance to restart your life goals, create something to look forward to, and have a motivation that will push you to continue with your treatment.

Everyone has had a sad story at some point, and it is up to you to still collect your pieces and move on. You may feel entitled to receive full support because of what your life has been like, but people can only help you. You could be feeling bitter that someone didn’t guide you when you were making bad decisions, maybe getting into a toxic marriage. You may feel angry at everyone else other than yourself. However, the step to recovery and changing your life will begin with you.

In the card, The Empress is holding a scepter in her hand, the scepter symbolizes the power you have in your life. You have the power to change things, learn and unlearn and strive to lead a great life. This card calls to you to stop feeling helpless in your life, it is not fate but rather the decisions you made that brought the consequences you now see. Stand up and reclaim your power to lead, take full responsibility for yourself and your actions. You are feeling uncomfortable for going through cycles, living the same events over and over. Ask yourself, “now that I am here, what can I do to head where I want?”  

Rehab Can Give You Uncertainties.

What stresses someone like a new life that has all these drastic changes? When you go to rehab, you experience a huge shift in the way you think. There are different ways of dealing with issues, for example, the use of communication instead of drugs. You have to maintain discipline in rehabs, you have little to no access to drugs and you will have to find a way to survive. Sometimes change is good, it gives you a new perspective on life.  You are someone that usually has all the answers, you love to maintain control over your life and you often know what you are doing.  Sometimes, you question the direction your life is taking, even when at the time you were making the decisions, you knew them to be best at that moment, but they just didn't work. You have realized that you need to change some things in your life and that you don’t have all the answers. You are accepting that you can be wrong and also, life can bring you very different outcomes from what you expected.

The Empress, in the card, is a production of your subconscious mind, planted by the ideas you have. This card shows the need to be softer with yourself, to allow yourself to listen to your intuition and explore the emotions you feel, you do not have to always be right. Trust that even the uncertainties the universe will bring your way; it has already mastered a way for you to conquer. You are embracing learning and accepting things as they come, this is a journey that will give you peace of mind.

Find Your Strength.

Drug abuse can make you feel very weak. You may allow addiction to take over because of helplessness. Going to rehab will teach you how to find your inner strength and it will remind you of the resilient spirit that lies within you. In rehab, there are therapists who help you regain control over yourself. Sometimes, the therapists are also former addicts who understand exactly what you are going through. When you get to a space where you feel strong within yourself, you will be in a better position to say no whenever the temptation of taking drugs comes.  As long as you are living, you have to keep moving forward. You may have hit a hard rock and you are almost giving up. You do not feel like you are capable of moving ahead and making a good life for yourself. Deep down in your spirit, you know you have to move on, you just don’t know-how. You feel so disheartened sometimes, you have done everything right, why are things still falling apart?

In the card, there is a throne in the middle of a field of grain, which means that you still have dominion over the things that grow. This card offers comfort to lift up your spirit. Remember that even at your lowest, your power is still not taken away from you. Gather yourself and thrive again.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Falling once could be a mistake, forgive yourself and try another way. Tell yourself the right things that will improve your inner growth, after all, you spend the most time with yourself.


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