Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

In Your Moment Of Need, The Universe Will Send You An Attorney To Guide And Protect You In The Course Of Life.

In Your Moment Of Need, The Universe Will Send You An Attorney To Guide And Protect You In The Course Of Life.

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Today’s tarot card is the Fool. Whenever you are excited and ready to make new adventures, trust in the universe as your attorney to stand up for you and protect you from making the wrong choices. 

The Fool card has the image of a young man dressed in a torn flowery dress to indicate your current stage in life where everything seems to be working out for you and you are experiencing abundance. The young man has no shoes and carries a small bag that is held at the end of the stick to indicate the need for you to leave behind things that you no longer need. The young man holds a white rose in his left hand to indicate the innocence and purity in your heart as you make decisions to encounter new beginnings. Behind the fool are mountains and the sun shines brightly to indicate that you have encountered plenty of mountains in your life and this is your time for the sun to shine on you. The young man looks up and he has no idea that taking a single step ahead will see him fall over the cliff. At his feet, there is a dog-like creature that is barking to warn him yet the man pays no attention and this signifies the attorneys in your life who are always trying to guide you to follow the right path. 

Ignoring Your Attorney Is The Quickest Way To Jail

When one goes to seek legal counsel from an attorney, they are on a quest to seek guidance from a professional. They are expected to entrust the attorney with all the information needed. Supposing it is a court case and they are the accused, they are required to reveal all that transpired to their attorney so that the attorney understands how to handle the case and the legal advice to give. If the attorney advises them on the information to reveal in court but they turn a deaf ear, the result will be that they will lose the case and end up in jail or paying a heavy fine.

The Fool card is suggesting that there may be plenty of people who are in your life and they wish you all the best yet you keep pushing them away. Most of the time they are warning you and trying to protect you from imminent dangers that you cannot see yet you ignore them and run away from them. You see them as a bother yet they have a life-changing mission in your life. This card is a challenge for you to do a reality check in your life and identify your attorneys since they are in your life to offer you guidance on the path to your destiny. You may be surprised that you have been giving your attention to the wrong people and ignoring your destiny helpers. The universe is there to guide and bring an attorney into your life during your time of need.

Trusting In The Universe 

Sometimes life is very unpredictable and you might think you are walking on the right path only to get to the end of the road and discover that you should have taken another route. When you get to this point, the easiest thing is to tire and give up instead of going back and starting all over. When one seeks the help of an attorney to represent them in court, they entrust them with everything and go in court with the confidence that their attorney will lead to the winning of the case. 

The Fool card is a reminder for you to trust in the universe even in your moments of need. Just like the young man in the card leaves everything behind including his shoes, you are called upon to leave behind your doubt and trust the universe. Whenever you put your trust in the universe, it will always send you signs on the path to embark on in your journey in life. Whenever you are unsure and clouded with doubt, the universe is your attorney and it will always protect you from falling over the cliff of life. You are never alone!

Standing Still Is Not Always A Crime

Sometimes you may feel the pressure to keep moving ahead to stay at par with the rat race in life. Everyone wants to move forward and win the race yet today it is revealed to you that sometimes there is no formula in life. The Fool card is an indicator that there are times when taking a single step forward can be deadly. Just like the young man in the card, sometimes you may be excited to move towards your future and you end up throwing all caution on the wind without treading carefully.

This is a call for you to open your eyes and look at what lies ahead. Before making any decision, evaluate the consequences instead of trusting blindly. That investment decision you are about to make could cost you your entire business. The decision to marry your partner could cost your entire lifetime if you are not careful and you ignore the cliff ahead of you. Before you make any decision, remember the fool card calls you to look before you reap.

Top Tip Of The Day

The path to your destiny requires you to take a single step at a time yet there are times you end up losing your focus and getting over-excited as you imagine what your destiny looks like. It is at this moment that you risk falling off the cliff since you miss out on looking out for it. However, the universe is constantly sending you attorneys as your destiny helpers to warn you of the dangers that you may meet along the way. The Fool card is a call for you to identify the attorneys in your life and pay close attention to them for they mean to guide you.


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