Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Don’t Complain About Not Having Something If You Are Not Willing To Work For It.

Don’t Complain About Not Having Something If You Are Not Willing To Work For It.

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Today’s tarot card is The Justice. It is easy not to put much thought into the things you do if you don’t experience their consequences. However, there are some decisions you should make earlier on, even before you get to feel the impact of not making them. For example, when it comes to health matters, you cannot afford to relax and wait for whatever comes. You have to actively plan yourself to be safe, in case such a matter arises. You may be feeling bothered about working towards securing your life because you feel you still have much time. As much as that is true, the Justice card encourages you to make decisions that are influenced with clarity and a need to insure your future.

Value Quality Advice And Communication.

A lot of people rarely care about the perception of others. It doesn’t bother them if you have the full information or not, as long as they have gained what they want from you. To get someone who is genuinely concerned if you are comfortable with the choices you have made, and if you are fully informed is a rare and good thing. When you buy insurance, you want an agent to listen to your needs and advise you properly concerning that. Successful insurance agents who have retained their clients, know that they should treat every client the same way they would treat their loved ones. Whatever advice you would give to your loved one, that’s the same advice you should give your clients.

Everyone cares about genuineness. You probably have people who want to please you so much and will tell you whatever you want to hear without really thinking if that is what is best for you. You could be making serious decisions about your life, like buying some property and you want someone to lead you to the right path. You may have ignored people who were a little harsh on you because you thought they were fighting your course. What you may have heard may not have sounded good, but deep down, you know it to be the truth.  You could also have followed some advice that misguided you that you had thought would work.

The Justice card is concerned with integrity and truth. You may have started noticing that you value integrity and honesty in others and you are also finding yourself compelled to speak the truth and also tell someone a matter as it is, either good or bad. You have realized that friendship goes further than being pleased and hearing what you want. That your true people, who truly care about you have accepted that you are imperfect and you also make mistakes, and they still want to stand by you and make sure you do not get into pitfalls.

Insurance Requires You To Listen To Your Intuition.

Whenever you are choosing an insurance company to work with, the biggest thing to look for is not how much the premiums cost but their capability to pay the bills on time. Not every insurance company has the same structure and you have to be keen on how you select them. Some insurance companies have very good packages at a low price, and it should make you think about what is missing. Your instincts will not be wrong when making such decisions, if you feel that your spirit refuses to follow something, it is best to heed to avoid some unnecessary problems.

Many decisions people make in their day-to-day life; they feel the nudge to either push further or stop. This feeling serves as warnings and dismissing them only puts you at risk. You also have had instances where you couldn’t explain why, but you just felt the need to go slow on a good deal. You may have met a good partner who has all the qualities you have been admiring, however, you feel like you should take your time on the whole matter. This may be because of fear because you got hurt by someone you trusted. You may be skeptical whether the new partner has genuine intentions with you. You have taken your time to heal from the experiences that haven’t worked for you, so now you are in a better position to make choices that are not clouded. 

The justice card is a big advocate for believing in what you feel. The weighing scale the female figure has held in her hand represents your impartiality. They show that as much as you follow your intuition, you have allowed logic to direct you. You no longer want to be a victim held prisoner by your past experiences, you have chosen to explore the options that are laid before you and you know that things will turn out well, because this time, you look into things deeper than the face value.  This could be a time for you to make a final and firm decision on a matter that you have been taking time on. The Justice card reminds you to be careful with the choices you make just as you would when you choose an insurance policy. Know that they will create an impact on your wellbeing and that of your loved ones.  Whenever you feel stuck, connect with your inner guidance and ask for answers that are more aligned with the highest good of the people you care about.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Do not dismiss what you feel or disregard it as not making sense, find the source of that feeling, until you figure it out, do not be in a hurry to make serious decisions. The saying all that glitters is not gold never gets old. Always seek the value of what something or someone brings in your life, you cannot afford to interact just for the sake of it. The Justice card leaves you with a big responsibility of not second-guessing your decisions, knowing that you are capable of choosing what is right.


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