Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Loss Is Not The End of The Road For You; It Is The Beginning of The Recovery Process.

Loss Is Not The End of The Road For You; It Is The Beginning of The Recovery Process.

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Today’s tarot card is the Magician. Whenever you lose something and you are stranded without knowing where and who to run into, place your hope in the universe and trust it to work magic that will facilitate recovery.

The Magician card has the image of a man clothed in a white robe on the inside and a red one on the outside to signify the purity in your heart that is evident through your intentions while the red robe is significant that the time to take power over your life and recover what has been stolen from you is due. The man raises a wand in his right hand to represent that you are solely responsible for the decisions you take hence you ought to be careful. There is a table before him that has a cup, a pentacle, a wand, and a sword and this means that the universe has placed before you all the necessary tools that you need in your recovery journey. The Magician card is filled with blooming flowers that represent the abundance that comes with recovery and the infinite symbol above his head means that the world is yours to conquer hence you should not limit yourself. 

Recovery of Your Path

The Magician card can indicate that you have lost your way and the path you are treading on is not the original path that was intended for you to walk on your journey towards your destiny. When one loses their path, confusion sets in and they begin to live under the shadow of somebody else instead of leading and living to fulfil their originally intended plan. 

Like the man in the card, the magician card appears to wake you up from your hypnotized state and remind you that the universe destined you for greatness that you cannot continue to live a life that is not yours. You are  in total control of your life which is evident by the man raising up the wand ready to perform magic hence you need to recover your lost power and embark on your path to recovery. It is only through taking control of your life that you will be able to create magic and truly live the life that befits you. Dear child of the universe, extend your arms to the universe and let it take charge in aligning you to your path and helping you walk towards your destiny.

Recovery of Your Strength

Due to the plenty of roles that people have to carry as they race through life, it is easy for one to tire and lose their strength. When this happens, their productivity goes down hence they may not be in a position to go ahead with the race unless they make the decision to recover the lost strength. 

The Magician card could indicate that you are feeling so weary and you have lost all your strength and the will to keep pushing. You may be feeling like this is the end of the road for you yet the card shows that you still have a long way to go thus you should not even think of giving up. Like the man wearing red and white, let your intentions remain innocent and pure while you recover your strength and cease cowering in fear and hiding your outstanding self for the universe has destined you for greatness. You only need to put on your confidence robe, recover your strength and watch the magic happen for the universe always has your back hence you should never be afraid. 

Recovery of Your Relationships

Most of the time people focus too much on achieving their goals such that they never notice when they drift away from the people who care about them. When this happens, one may feel like it is a part of life and they cannot stop running the race as time waits for no man. In the end, they come to realize that they lost their relationships yet nothing else should have mattered more to them than the people who cared at the moment. 

The magician card could indicate that you have been focusing too much on creating a life for yourself that your relationship with your friends and family has been compromised. It is okay to work hard and focus on achieving your purpose in the universe, yet you cannot do that at the expense of the people who care about you. Like the man in the card, you can only experience magic and abundance when you are surrounded by your loved ones. This card warns you that if you do not set out on a journey to recover your lost relationships, the people who care about you will slowly drift out of your life and you will be left all alone. Only then will you realize that the rat race in life was not necessary and you should not have sacrificed the things that mattered the most for things that can be earned or lost at the snap of a finger. Do not wait until it's too late and you have ran out of time, the time is right to recover the lost relationships. Go get them!

Top Tip Of The Day

Whenever you experience a loss, do not spend your entire life crying since the darkest hour is just before dawn. If you place your hope in the universe, you will experience magic and the recovery process will begin immediately. The magician card is a card of fortune and it is a call for you to recover the path you lost as you sought to walk towards your destiny. It is a reminder that whenever you feel weary, put on your confidence armour and recover the initial strength that the universe bestowed upon you. Finally, the magician card is a warning that time waits for no man hence you need to recover the lost relationship with your friends and family members since it will be too late if you keep waiting. 


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