Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Like A Fair Trade, Positive Or Negative Energy Is Exchanged, The More You Give The More You Will Receive.

Like A Fair Trade, Positive Or Negative Energy Is Exchanged, The More You Give The More You Will Receive.

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Today’s tarot card is The Hierophant.  You may have experienced a change in your life a couple of times, but there are those particular ones that just stand out. You may feel forced to adjust to a new environment, adapt to new people or even change your whole routine. While the change may not be as easy or as awesome as you had hoped for, sometimes it is not all bad. 

With the Hierophant card, you should be excited that you have a chance of creating new traditions and practices of your own. You may have been transferred from your place of work, or you had to move to a new place for other reasons, even as this happens, allow yourself to embrace the new experiences and enjoy the diversity that life is offering you. 

You Are Responsible For Your Happiness.

It may sound so cliché, but complete happiness will come from within you. You may think that transferring to a new place or getting that new job will solve all your problems. However, true happiness is not lying in wait in a new city or job, not in a better paycheck or more money.  All the things you regard as "problems", may actually not be problems when you are looking back. Transfer your energy from negativity and see a shift in the experiences you will get. You may be seeking happiness from other areas, and you just don’t seem to find it, even if things are going well in your life. You may be experiencing bouts of depression and frustrations that you can’t explain to someone.

You were once a hopeful person, full of expectations and you knew your life would turn out great. As life moves on for you, you have felt disappointed and let down, you may have even lost some things or people that were important to you. You transferred all the feelings you got from these experiences to create an energy that is not so expectant. You have resulted in buying the idea that maybe life doesn’t have much to offer. You are afraid of being happy because you think something bad can happen when you least expect it.

In the Hierophant card, the male figure sitting on a throne has keys at his feet, which are the keys to heaven, that he is pointing at with his two fingers. This also means that the keys to your “heaven” are right there with you. You have the power to unlock the good things that the universe has kept for you, by reaching within yourself. You have to change your way of thinking and know that it is now that you can live life fully, not tomorrow because it has never been promised. You have been missing out on many good experiences, put yourself out there, to feel again, to expect again, and to allow people to touch your heart and remind you of the beauty of humanity.

Figure Out Your Values.

There can be so much peer pressure in life, sometimes you can lead a life that you know deep down is not good for you, but because you do not want to be left out, you lead it either way. Transfer of habits and character happens and you will find yourself behaving similarly to the people you surround yourself with. What you have to ask yourself is, what truly matters to you right now. You may have had a clear vision of where you want to be in the next few years, you may have current short-term goals which you find you are barely achieving. You may be looking at yourself in the mirror and you can’t figure out who you are anymore. It is distressing for you to feel like you are moving in any direction life is taking you. You probably feel unstable and unsafe and you feel the need to find a footing. You know what you want with your life, but you do not have the courage to live it out because it will require you to make sacrifices you are not ready for.

In the quest to have a clear path for your life, the Hierophant card calls to you to seek good counsel. The Hierophant card has an image of a male figure sited on a throne with a crown over his head. He seems to be blessing some worshippers. This shows that you will get to interact with a mentor who will provide you with guidance and wisdom on how to forge ahead. In the meantime, literally, list out your top values in your life, then think about the best place and way for you to live them.  You will always be answerable to yourself, make your journey count, and do not allow yourself to wallow in regrets at the end of each day. Transfer your energy to the things that matter to you.

Make Home Where You Are.

Everyone looks for somewhere where they can live comfortably and be at peace. You forget that home is where you make it and you can create unforgettable experiences with what you have. In case you have experienced any transfer, maybe from the place you were used to, use this as an opportunity to get new perspectives on life. It may not be easy to adjust, but each transfer you get gives you a chance to start all over again and create a life you love. You may be wondering if you will ever adjust, make new friends, understand the different cultures and settle in. Remember that you are well equipped to adapt well to this change, just like the hierophant sits on his throne and dominates, do not also cower from making what you want out of nothing, dominate your situations, and let them work in your favor. 

Top Tip Of The Day.

You always have two options in everything, to be negative or to be positive, to obey or to disobey. You are not forced to follow any particular one, so do not follow what limits you. You deserve the good things life can give, transfer your mind to that space, you will never regret it.


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