Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Having Your Heart And Mind Free From Worry Is A Big Part Of Financial Freedom.

Having Your Heart And Mind Free From Worry Is A Big Part Of Financial Freedom.

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Today’s tarot card is The Judgement. Credit cards do not come with instructions, it is similar to life, where you are given a gift which you get to do with whatever you please. On the other hand, having a credit card makes buying very easy.  You just hand over your card and worry about paying later, just as judgment is. What could be easier than having a credit card? You have access to everything. Looking at the downside of it, it is so easy to spend money you do not have and quickly get pressured with debt.

Many people do not learn about credit when they first get a credit card, they get to experience it for themselves, and only then do they know how they want to handle their finances. You may have involved yourself in things that seemed good at the beginning but you did not know it would have consequences on you. You may be facing some harsh realities but that too is part of life. Learning lessons firsthand is not bad, but if you can avoid situations that would put you in bad positions, it is best to do so. The Judgment card calls on you to be wise about the decision you make because you will be judged for everything you do and you will have to reap the fruits of it.

Recognize When You Are Being Misled.

Banks know when you are getting yourself further in debt, in a good scenario, that is the moment they should stop giving you more credit. However as long as you are paying on time and you have money coming in, they will continue giving you credit because that means profit to the bank. They will continue approving you for more and more credit, until the moment you feel fed up with it. This is not the fault of the bank but yours- for not taking care of yourself. 

In life, people don’t care for you as you would like to think. Most people think of how you will profit them instead. You may have worked so hard and you have started reaping the fruits of your hard work. You have so many plans in place to do great things in your life. You had visions for progress, which could be; getting a house, starting a business, and ensuring your family is comfortable. No sooner have you started succeeding, than you are doing everything way opposite than you had planned. The people you have started associating yourself with may mislead you and change your priorities.

Deep down you know that is not the way you want to follow but you feel the need to prove yourself to them. Those close to you may be borrowing money from you and not paying back, they may lead you to have a lifestyle that is purely wasting your resources, but you still go ahead and live it. Just like credit, it is easy for you to finance other people’s dreams, while you haven’t done anything worth it for yourself. This is not entirely their fault, but yours- for allowing people to tell you what to do about such matters.

In the Judgement card, there is an angel up in the heavens who is blowing a trumpet just as it is said it will be on the day of judgment. This serves as a wake-up call to you. That it is time to wake up from the slumber of being misused before it is too late for you. You have to actively check your priorities and plan yourself accordingly. At this stage you have reached in life, you know there is nothing you have to prove to anyone. This card insists that it is time to make life-changing decisions. You need to apply intelligence and intuition just as a person who is taking credit, to know how to go about leaving a bad company without being entirely rude. You may be at a crossroads because the lifestyle is good, but be aware that the choices you make will bring significant change in your life, and you will reap the fruits of it. Tune to your higher self and decide to follow the right path.

You Can Live With Good Credit.

It is very easy to have bad credit. Late payments, accounts that go into collection, and being over your credit limit can ruin your credit score. There is a way of repairing your credit in a legal and ethical way which may take time and effort. Once you do this, you have to make a choice to retain good credit and be disciplined enough to know when to stop. You can also avoid using your credit card by just purchasing what is really necessary. It is always a choice to have a good character and lead a recommendable life, it never means that that person cannot live otherwise.

You have a vast option of choices to make, but remember that nothing goes unrewarded in life. You may feel like you have the freedom to do anything you want. You may treat others poorly and not give much attention to what you do because no one questions you for it. You have been having people in your life who are kind and genuinely caring people. This is a sign to show you that you have a choice of being a better person. You have a chance of turning your life around and start treating the people around you right. This is the time to fix your attitude towards people.

In The Judgement card, there is a man, a woman, and a child who seem to be surfacing from the grave looking up to the skies. These people are ready to be judged on whether they will get to heaven or not depending on their actions. This means that you should treat everyone right despite their age. It also shows that you will not go scot-free if you treat others wrongly. This card encourages you that you have a chance of creating a good life and leading a life that you will be confident enough when faced with judgment.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Find comfort in sharing your struggles with others, you will find other people who have experienced something similar to you and they will show you the way of being free from the habits you are struggling to leave. Go on the journey together and encourage each other to keep moving forward.


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