Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

Finding A Good Friend Is Difficult, However, If You Desperately Need One, The Universe Will Direct A Lawyer-Like Friend In Your Life And They Will Always Defend You

Finding A Good Friend Is Difficult, However, If You Desperately Need One, The Universe Will Direct A Lawyer-Like Friend In Your Life And They Will Always Defend You

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Today’s tarot card is the Devil. Life may push you over the edge and you might be feeling like you are bound by chains. You might be experiencing the most difficult tests of your life and you are unsure of how to handle them. You may be feeling like the burdens you are bearing are too heavy for you to keep on carrying. In such moments you need a lawyer to be your voice, defense, and to represent you to the best of their abilities. 

Understanding Your Need For A Lawyer

The Devil card appearance today is an indicator that there are plenty of things that you are unaware of and it is high time you get to learn them. In real life, many people are not aware of the great roles played by lawyers unless they are in a situation where they need legal services. Just like it is said that ‘‘you never miss the water unless the well runs dry’’, wait not until you have committed an offense and you require legal representation so that it may dawn on you that you need a lawyer.

The Devil card is an indicator that you need to establish meaningful relationships with the people around you. You might be an introvert or a loner who prefers to be on their own and you could be avoiding mingling with others. While it is true that magic happens in solitude, do not underestimate the importance of networking. After all, you never know where you will meet your lawyer who will be ready to stand up for you regardless of the accusations made on you. 

In the card, there is a man and a woman and they are bound by loose chains around their necks. Behind them, sits the devil on a throne with his right hand raised. This might be an indicator that there are certain things in life weighing you down and they have bound you, making you stagnant in life. No matter how much effort you put in, you experience no progress and this only ends up discouraging you. This card indicates that you need to identify a lawyer in your life who is a friend you can open up to. Someone who can understand you without judging you or making you feel like you deserve whatever you are experiencing. In finding the lawyer of your life and upon getting the assurance that you can trust them, open up to them and let them help you get rid of the burdens weighing you down. You will realize that the chains around your neck were just loose and you only needed a lawyer to help you discover that.

Unveiling The Truth To Your Lawyer Without Shame

If an accused person seeks a lawyer to represent them in court, they ought to reveal everything that transpired. Lawyers are not judgemental people hence one does not seek their help while deep down they fear that they will be judged. A lawyer’s work entails understanding everything that happened around a certain case and finding more information and evidence to defend their client. No matter the intensity of crime that a person commits, once they approach a lawyer seeking representation, they are never turned away but instead welcomed wholeheartedly. If an accused person fails to reveal some information to their lawyer perhaps because they are ashamed, they risk losing the case in court.

The Devil card is an indicator that you may have found the lawyers of your life yet you have not fully embraced opening up to them. You claim to trust them yet you are embarrassed that they may judge you especially if you have had a dark past where you have never forgiven yourself. While you may not necessarily trust all the lawyers, this card is challenging you to trust one lawyer. Be careful when you are choosing your lawyer since they have a certain influence on your life even without your knowledge. Just like the man and woman in the card, be cautious that you may not end up choosing the devil as your lawyer and end up growing horns based on their evil influence.

In the card, the man and woman are fully naked. There is a vulnerability in nakedness and nobody other than someone you trust should be exposed to this nakedness. When you find a lawyer you can trust, you will find that life has become easier to navigate through since they will always be by your side to speak up for you and be your voice when you no longer have it. If you are experiencing negativity in life, find a lawyer who is overflowing with positivity and they are vibrating on a higher frequency so that they can rub off some positive energy. With time, you will begin to view life from a different perspective and appreciate it since you will no longer be a slave of the burdens of your wounds. 

Top Tip Of The Day

Just like a person never recognizes the importance of a lawyer unless they are arraigned in court and they need one to represent them, you may never appreciate your close confidant in life. The Devil card is a call to have a trustworthy person in life who like a lawyer defends you when you are not in a position to stand up for yourself, listens to you without judging you, and never fails to defend you just because you made a mistake. When you find such a person, be grateful and guard them jealously for they are rare to come across. If you require a lawyer for your life, seek the help of the universe and it will direct the right person to you. Strive to be a better person and your energy will attract the person you need. 


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