Today's Tarot Message Of The Day

The Illusion That Communication Has Already Taken Place Is The Biggest Problem.

The Illusion That Communication Has Already Taken Place Is The Biggest Problem.

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Today’s tarot card is The Moon. Communication is very essential to people who are working towards a common goal. Communication has helped fix a lot of issues including maintaining healthy relationships. With the advancement of technology, what is the point of having a physical meeting or a phone call? Unless it is to strengthen existing relationships or to facilitate learning and give a better understanding of information. Conference calls have come in place to assist on this part, regardless of where someone is located. Conference calls are a brilliant solution to remote communication, and it has helped the continual functionality of businesses. You may be having alternative solutions to your problems. It is important to know if following this option fully solves your problem or you may have to deal with other new things. The Moon card calls you to make well-informed decisions to avoid any future problems.

Turn Your Dreams into Reality.

Conference calls have enabled team members to participate in meetings that would have otherwise not been possible in the past. Conference calls have allowed organizations to expand themselves on different locations because now communication can easily happen even under the same management. Businesses have not been stopped meaning growth still happens regardless of where someone is. Imagine a person having to drive a long way to come for a five minutes meeting, it wouldn’t make sense. Conference calls have made it look like you are practically in the same room.  Some dreams remain as dreams, and it is only by working towards your goals that will bring them to reality. You may have had an illusion that your dreams will come true and therefore you do not think you have to work towards them. Just as a conference call turns a meeting into reality, you have to put effort to do the same. While doing so, you have to be careful about how realistic a situation appears.

In the Moon card, a crayfish crawls out of the pool, which means that what you plan to do will come to reality. It also serves as a warning to know the obstacles that may try to limit you. The Moon card tells you that you should trust your instincts and choose to see past the illusions. 

Find A Way To Deal With Problems.

Technical problems are a big-time waster for conference calls. Sometimes, even joining a conference call can be a problem. Once you are in, you might have issues connecting with your audio and also getting good visual quality. The most important thing during a conference call is ensuring first you have a good internet connection otherwise you might lose someone along the way. Being unable to figure out what someone is saying because of poor connection can discredit the whole meeting. Preparation is key, making sure you have sent the necessary details to people early enough so that they get to plan themselves properly. Ensuring you have logged in earlier saves you the trouble of having difficulties way later when the meeting has already started.

Conference calls need you to deal with all issues first, to check your audio and visual as the organizer. Dealing with what affects you saves a lot of problems in the future. You may have had some painful experiences in your life that you have not dealt with. Could be what someone told you some time back or what they did to you hurt you so bad. You keep postponing to deal with these issues until a time when it is too late.  Because of not dealing with these past experiences, you may be projecting your fears into your present life. You may also still have painful memories that cause you a lot of emotional turmoil. Preparing yourself well for the future means healing. You have been pushing these emotions down to your subconscious and now you may be noticing an appearance of the same. 

In The Moon card, there is a pool that represents your subconscious mind. This means that you need to connect with your inner self and release any anxiety or fear that may be holding you back. Work on yourself seriously and be ready to face the world. This way you will have solved the problem and it will prevent more future problems.

Take Your Time To Understand Things.

Conference calls are efficient to pass information, however, it is very easy to lose the person communicating if there is a poor connection. You can keep asking the person to speak again and you may lose the information altogether. Often people feel like a conference call is wasting their time and they deliberately don’t pay attention to what is being said. They can easily get distracted by other things or take that as the time to do their own things. Paying attention to details even when you are not being watched requires discipline. You may have gone through an experience in your day-to-day life that you think is not important. Some information may come to you as warnings, but you may easily dismiss it because you do not feel like it is applicable anywhere in your life. You may have gotten used to taking things so casually, that sometimes something important just passes you by.

In The Moon card, the moon itself is a symbol of intuition, it reflects on your dreams and how they get to affect you consciously. This shows that you should pay more attention to your dreams and you may be subconsciously bringing attention to some information you may have missed and is still very important to your life.

Top Tip Of The Day.

What happens in the physical has most likely been thought about and your mind has prepared itself for the actualization of the event. Choose to fully heal from things that may disturb you and pay attention to small details in your life. If you are well prepared, you will meet fewer obstacles along the way.


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