Your Tarot Message For Today

Avoid Mortgaging Your Future by Obedience

Avoid Mortgaging Your Future by Obedience

Today’s card on the deck is the Hierophant tarot card. The card shows the image of a man dressed like a pope. He is seated on a chair that depicts he is in power and he has raised his hands up. On his left hand he holds a stick that symbolises authority. At his feet lies a symbol of two keys portraying that he is a custodian. In front of him are two elders who seem to be paying respect to him and listening to his words. Drawing an upright hierophant card is a sign of good luck and it symbolises the power to be better. 

You might be in a situation where you are tempted to disobey the laws because you are feeling uncomfortable. You feel the need to break the protocols in place ,perhaps in your workplace or school, just because you believe that things can change. Challenge the systems in place is going to be a risky affair because it will mortgage your future chances. Just because you do not like your boss does not imply that you should be rude towards them. As a student, hating your teacher will only be a chance for you to mortgage your future because eventually you will have to bear the consequences on your own.

The Hierophant card challenges you to secure your future through obedience. While it is easier to hate those who are above you possibly because they critique you, the reality is that you can only learn from them if you are willing to obey them. Like the elders on the hierophant card, pay close attention to those who have the capacity to mentor you and obey their instructions. This will ensure you learn from them and become even better. Take their criticisms positively instead of getting angry at them and if you have a positive attitude and open mind towards learning, you will be glad that you did not allow your disobedience to mortgage your future.

The card also acts as a reminder that the keys to your future are within your reach hence you should grab them and use them to access it. If you are hesitant and you fail to guard them, then later on, you will only have yourself to blame for mortgaging your future. Although it may seem easy to take the keys, the secret in receiving them is through your mentors. The universe has granted you people to guide you along the course of life as you move towards your purpose. Mentors are the people who watch you as you move along the way so that you do not lose focus. If you follow the wrong path, they will signal you towards the right path and if you fall, they will stretch out your hand and lift you up. Although you may feel like they are getting to your neck, they are just ensuring that you get the keys to your future. 

In conclusion, the universe has been kind to you and granted you mentors to ensure you don't mortgage your future. Follow the path of obedience and you will appreciate it when you eventually receive the keys. 


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