Your Tarot Message For Today

Evaluating the Options in Your Life

Evaluating the Options in Your Life

On the deck today is the hermit card which appears to inform you that as long as you live, you will never run out of options. No matter how far you think your destination is, there will always be an alternative route to get you there. If one path seems to be too long and slippery, then you can always use the next best available options. However, regardless of the numerous route options that you can use to get to your destination, what varies is time. You can never know the amount of time it will take to get to your destination or even if you will run out of time before getting it. 

The upright Hermit card appears to indicate that life will present you with various opportunities that you will be spoilt for choice. There will be many options along your path for you to take up yet the universe will require that you think hard before taking up any of the available options. The old man on the card indicates the wisdom you will need before taking up a certain option and the lantern in his hand indicates that the universe is providing you with an inner light that should guide you in the course of your journey.  You might be faced with an option of choosing evil or goodness.

The hermit card indicates that when life pushes you into a situation where you are uncertain of the path to follow, close your eyes, cover up your ears from external distraction and listen to the voice within you. Although the voice is not loud which might make you think that it is not convincing enough, it will lead you towards the light and make you head for the right option. Treasure your inner voice for it is your gift that comes from the universe. 

The reversed Hermit card might indicate that you are walking along the wrong path that will not lead you to your destination. You have allowed people who mean harm into your life and they are taking advantage of you by leading you along the wrong path. If you keep on following them, you will end up in the wrong destination and time may not be on your side by the time you choose to go back and follow the right path. While you have the freedom to evaluate the options at hand and follow the one you feel is most suitable for you, the reversed hermit calls for extra caution on the destiny snatchers in your life.

Their mission is to lure you to choose the least favourable options in life. They come to distract you because they understand that you have a great role to play in the universe and your purpose is one of a kind. The universe will act as your light to help you identify them because they come clothed like sheep yet they are wolves waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on you. 

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