Your Tarot Message For Today

Be Honest With Yourself; Life is Not Forever

Be Honest With Yourself; Life is Not Forever

On the deck today is the Lovers card and it appears to inform you that in a world that is based on deception, honesty is the lost hope that mankind requires. As a human being, you have been placed on this planet for a purpose and it is not by accident that you are here, in this era and at this particular moment. Your life does not belong to you thus you do not have full control over it. This is the reason you have no idea of when you will cease to exist as well as resist it when the time comes. A supreme being that is in charge of the universe and everything is it governs you and your existence here is for a certain period of time just like a loan.

In an upright manner, the Lovers card appears to inform you that you ought to embrace honesty in your life regardless of the situation that you are in. The naked man and woman symbolize the exposure of vulnerability. Honestly starts with yourself thus you are called upon to be honest with yourself and avoid self-deception. Perhaps you are in a toxic relationship and you have tolerated your partner for ages yet you hold onto the hope that they will change and stop the violence. Deep down you know that it is impossible yet you keep on waiting and deceiving yourself that things will eventually workout. Perhaps you want to take up a loan and help someone else with the hope that they will repay you back. You are certain that there are no signs of repaying but you deceive yourself that they will pay. Making decisions out of self-deception will result in more harm than good thus you need to come out of the shell, undress and embrace honesty.

In the reversed manner, the Lovers card might indicate that you are neglecting those around you as you focus on yourself. It is a reminder that the lifespan of a human being can be compared to that of servicing a loan. Just as one pays an instalment either daily, weekly or monthly and after the agreed repayment period they ought to have cleared the loan, life is a series of activities and the span of existing in this universe is not eternal. You might be so focused on your work that you neglect your family yet you do not know when you will make the last instalment of life. The Lovers card is calling upon you to appreciate every sunrise and let every sunset remind you that life is not forever for you might get surprised that you are required to make your final loan instalment at any point. Do not wait until that moment that it dawns upon you that you do not have the instalment in full.

The world is yours to conquer thus you need to arise and take up the challenge to be honest with yourself. 

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