Your Tarot Message For Today

Unlocking Your Future With the Keys to Your Destiny

Unlocking Your Future With the Keys to Your Destiny

On the deck today is the Hierophant card and it appears to inform you that the keys to your destiny are at your feet thus you need to take them up and unlock your future. Although the future is full of uncertainty where nobody knows how things will unfold in the next minute, the reality is that one thing is constant-you shape your future. Just like a financial institution that provides a mortgage to its clients has the security that they will reclaim the house if the client fails to pay, you ought to secure your future by mortgaging your current luxuries for the sake of the future. 

In the upright manner, the Hierophant card indicates that nobody knows it all hence you should seek advice from people who are more knowledgeable than you. The wise keep on being wise because they are open to learning and exploring many opportunities in life yet the stupid people think they know everything thus they shun and close all doors of opportunities in their lives. A different opinion is necessary in all aspects of life; you need to consult a financial institution if you are seeking to take up a mortgage, consult a legal practitioner if you are seeking to sue somebody, consult a marriage counsellor if you are experiencing marital problems, seek the help of a therapist if you are having some issues in mind, consult an engineer if you need to construct a building, consult a marketer if you need to market something among others.

The Hierophant is a symbol of advice thus it reminds you that the universe has gifted everyone with different abilities and talents. For this reason, appreciate the unique gift in the other person and make an effort to learn from them and consult them when the need arises. 

In the reversed manner, the Hierophant card indicates that you are abusing your abilities and gifts that the universe had entrusted you with. Instead of leading people to the light, you are directing them towards the path that leads to destruction. This means that you are encouraging them to mortgage their future yet you have the ability to enable them to secure it. You can be likened to a financial consultant who advises someone to default on their mortgage even though they have paid if half-way.

Instead of encouraging them to follow the terms and conditions associated with the mortgage loan, you mislead them knowing well that their financial institution will not hesitate to reclaim the mortgage once they fail to honour their obligations. Instead of actualizing their dream of owning the house, you shutter it and push them into a financial crisis. The Hierophant card comes to warn you that you must use your position in the right manner else you will be doomed. Your unique gifts were given to you so that you make the world a better place for everyone in it. 

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