Your Tarot Message For Today

Knowing when to play it safe and when to take a risk puts the balance between our personal growth and enduring hardships, hence keeping unnecessary damages at bay.

Knowing when to play it safe and when to take a risk puts the balance between our personal growth and enduring hardships, hence keeping unnecessary damages at bay.

The Message of the Day

The tarot card of the day is Temperance. This card reminds you to display courage when times get rough. It is too easy to get caught up with technological advancements that make our life easier and rely on them. Living a life of convenience and comfort sure sounds nice. However, will we know how to endure hardship once we suffer from damage if all we have known is living in a state of bliss?

One may say that fate is unfair. On the other hand, fate is also fair since it is unfair to everyone. No matter how much you want things to go your way all the time, then the universe will find a way to humble you. You need to know your place. 

Once you come face to face with difficulties in life, the approach will be different for every situation. There may be times when you need to deal with it head-on. Other situations may require you to take a keen observation before taking any action. Lastly, choosing the flight mode instead of fighting also serves a purpose on circumstances that heavily dictate between life and death.

Whichever of the three you will choose, it is important to keep an open mind regarding which option is the most suited according to the situation. Do not just decide based on what is convenient for you. Rather, go for the one that bears risk but also gives the most potential to develop as an individual. The damage that failure brings will always be a disheartening experience. However, this can also be a piece of valuable knowledge.

The Role Fear Plays in Our Survival

One thing about this card is observing the golden mean. As the old saying goes, too much of everything has detrimental consequences. There is nothing wrong with going for either side of the extremes from time to time. As long as one makes a calculated risk for doing so, then all will be fine even if it means enduring minor damages.

Rushing in to decide on a deeply important matter is just as bad as being too indecisive. Whereas one side lacks thorough analysis, the other one has too much of it. Many instances in our lives have we experienced both. There are times when we get too impulsive. The mistake of getting lost in exciting yet temporary feelings often results in damages that could have been avoided. Accidents on the road, impulsive shopping, and saying things we do not mean out of anger are just some of these. How many of these have we regretted not thinking things through?

On the other hand, we also feel dismayed on matters we wish we had acted on soon. The problem is not being indecisive. A lot of factors are at play here, whether it is due to responsibilities, financial situation, self-esteem, social support, and others. It may manifest as hesitation, but it is mostly tied to fear. 

No sane person has been without second thoughts in his lifetime. We have fear to thank to keep our inhibitions in check, the very reason our ancestors survived in prehistoric times. But in this modern age, this very fear still serves its purpose. Ultimately, it is up to us how to treat this particular emotion. Will we allow it to help in our personal growth? Or will we permit it to take full control of our lives, binding us in a state of nightmare and helplessness?

Maintaining the Natural Flow

Keeping the balance between staying on the safe side and taking a leap of faith is easier said than done. When we choose the former, we keep the damage to a minimum but we may not learn much from it in this way. We want to take into account how much damage will a certain choice costs as much as possible. But in our pursuit to ultimately avoid disappointments, this means we have already failed. If we do not ever experience any discomfort, then we have not truly explored half of what it takes to be a human.

Sometimes the bad circumstances propel humans towards their best selves. Life is not always rainbows, sunshine, and happiness. It is mixed with a little bit of everything, both the positive and negative ones. Having an almost well-rounded experience allows us to navigate our next actions with more wisdom than the previous ones.

In the face of hardships, maintaining the balance between logic and emotions is also of high importance. You may be a person who wants to keep things to themselves. Your thoughts may tell you that you are fine with it. But with humans being naturally social animals, you cannot help but seek the comfort of having others understand and listen to you.

The card shows the pouring liquid from one receptacle into another. This alone puts the natural order of things. When they are flowing as expected, good things are bound to happen because of it.

Today’s Tip

Whether you are about to go with the flow or go against it, choose the one that brings the most tremendous growth to you. Benefits are not only calculated according to the least amount of damage. Even while sustaining injuries along your journey, it will be all worth it if you become a person better than before.

Since you cannot succeed without experiencing some trials in return, taking care of our mental and emotional well-being also needs to be highlighted. Being weak does not mean one easily cries in the face of struggles. A natural bodily response such as crying has nothing to do with weakness. This flaw only manifests when you pick the easy way out as a means to avoid failure or hardship. When you give up without a fight, you are underestimating your capacity as an individual.

In another light, you show bravery in times of crippling doubt yet you rise above the challenge. When you choose to admit your fears yet you face those demons anyway, then you are good to go.  Insecurities can make you reluctant, but it is never a good enough reason to submit to your thoughts.

Remember that when suffering from damage, weep if you must but do not forget to learn from this experience afterward.

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