Your Tarot Message For Today

Once You Know What Your Values Are, You Will Not Have A Hard Time Making Decisions.

Once You Know What Your Values Are, You Will Not Have A Hard Time Making Decisions.

Today’s card is the Star. Have you gone through tough times where you have had to come up with a strategy that will help you raise back again? Problems serve the purpose of elevating your wisdom, they help you know a trap when you see one and the knowledge you have acquired keeps you from repeating the mistakes. You have been having a hard time, and now that you are coming out of it, you are choosing to follow a completely different path that will be for your good.

The card shows a woman who is naked kneeling at the edge of a pond, she holds two containers in either hand; the one on the left hand representing your subconscious and the right hand your conscious side. The woman is pouring out water to continue the cycle of fertility and to nourish the earth. Which is shown by the green growth of plants around her. The other container pours water on the dry land in five channels, showing the five senses you possess.

The woman has one foot in water which represents your inner abilities, intuition, and how you listen to your inner voice. The other foot on the ground is symbolic of your good common sense and practical abilities. In the card, the woman is naked, representing your purity and vulnerability even under the pressures you face in life. Behind her, there are seven smaller stars that represent the chakras and one large shining star that represents your core essence 

Have A Better Comeback.

Companies operate well, but when they start seeing any changes that negatively affect their business, they quickly try to find solutions that will keep them from that road. They get asset management services to handle their assets and to show them the right steps to take. Often with good guidance, the companies’ comeback is better, with a clearer vision of where they are and what they need to do to ensure the safety of the company. What do you do when you need to come back from a dark place?

You have endured many challenges in your life, the Star card is a call for you to let off after a period of turmoil and destruction. The woman is pouring out water to continue the cycle of fertility and to nourish the earth which means that you want to nourish yourself afresh, you have removed yourself from the limiting belief that previously held you back. You are realizing who you are beneath all the layers and you are reaching to acknowledge your core essence. No matter what life throws at you, you know you have a chance of producing better results from it. You have chosen to water yourself and grow. You now have a better way of managing yourself by the appreciation of who you are.

Manage Your Assets Better.

Anything that is of value is well managed. Every business that involves huge resources does asset management to make sure they don’t lose along the way. This applies to you too, you are of value and you need to manage everything that you are properly. You may want to rediscover yourself and your purpose in life. You have allowed yourself to be vulnerable and you have decided to make significant changes to your life. The woman has one foot in the water which shows your inner abilities, intuition, and how you listen to your inner voice, use this to make yourself better. With the potential you have, you can do amazing things, so protect your energy at all costs. Let your inner voice guide you to the paths you need to take. Your intuition will not mislead you because its main essence is to protect you from destruction and harm.

You Are In Smooth Waters.

After a problematic season, the universe is kind enough to give you an opportunity to self-restructure and heal. You are in a period of self-acceptance, where you don’t feel the need to justify yourself or hide who you are, you have embraced it. In the card, the naked woman is a reflection of comfort and self-love. The Star brings you renewed faith and hope, it makes you aware that you are blessed by the universe. You are entering a loving and peaceful phase in your life, that is filled with more understanding of yourself and those around you. With the calm energy and mental stability around you, let this be a significant time for development and personal growth. Be ready to receive many blessings from the universe.

Benefit Others.

If you are in a better position than someone else, it is only right to pull them up too. Take an example of a company, an asset manager uses the knowledge they have to bring the company back up, by helping them avoid perceivable risks and also showing them a way to invest to increase their resources. Do not keep what you know to yourself, the universe rewards a helping hand. The Star suggests that you are a generous spirit. You want to share and give your wealth to others to help them transform and better their lives. You have an open heart and you are interested in giving back the blessings you received so that people won’t have to go through difficult times in your presence.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Anything is possible, use your magic and practical abilities to ensure growth wherever you are. Realize your dreams can come true when you work towards them. Fill your heart with hope, allow yourself to dream, elevate yourself in any way possible so that you can reach your purpose. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, it is in vulnerability that growth starts, and it is in it that you are able to be in touch with your true self. If you manage yourself well, you will be indispensable wherever you go, an asset to the world, an instrument to share goodness and hope.


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