Your Tarot Message For Today

Open-mindedness is the primary element in cooperating with other people which is a decisive factor in determining the success and dynamic in a teamwork.

Open-mindedness is the primary element in cooperating with other people which is a decisive factor in determining the success and dynamic in a teamwork.

The Message of the Day

As the tarot card of the day, The Three of Pentacles delivers us an important message regarding cooperation. "No man is an island" is an old saying that thoroughly summarizes the theme for today. Since man is by nature a social being, he consciously and unconsciously longs for other like-minded individuals for varying purposes. Man wanting to be surrounded by other people and needing the help of others in materializing one's aspirations have one thing in common. That is, getting to socialize with fellow human beings. 

In our everyday interactions with other people, we gradually realize as we grow older that being in the company of other people is not all rainbows and sunshine. Given the differences in our nationality, ethnicity, religion, educational level, and plenty of other factors, it is only natural to encounter disagreements regarding beliefs and attitudes. Despite this, some instances require us to set aside the differences for a moment to make way for the greater good.

In the realm of business, maintaining a cooperative attitude is especially useful when engaging in a timeshare. In these cases, it is where one's patience is put to the test. Not only limited to participating in joint ownership such as a timeshare but there will also be multiple times where our level of cooperation undergoes a trial. Unlike in timeshare where it is voluntary-based, we often don't get the freedom to choose between doing an individual or team project and picking our teammates. It is the hurdle that the Three of Pentacles wants us to confront.

Keeping an Open Mind

True to its name, the Three of Pentacles presents us with three people inside a cathedral who appear to be talking to each other civilly. There is a single person on the left facing two people, a man and a woman, on the right. The one on the left who stands on a platform is a young yet skilled stonemason. He is wearing his working clothes, with an apron draped noticeably on his front side, while holding his tools. The man and woman facing the stonemason are presenting to him the blueprint of the building, indicating that these two are architects. These three people discuss the ongoing construction of infrastructure. The architects are guiding the novice stonemason.

On the other hand, the stonemason is updating the other two regarding the progress of his job. Their level of experience puts these two in a different level of professional status. Despite this, the veteran architects still listened to the opinions of the stonemason. The architects' actions show that they value the stonemason's expertise.

This minor arcana card represents the earthly quality of stability that is rooted in harmony and cooperation. Although the stonemason and the architects interact mainly through work, the need for collaboration still exists even outside the confines of job-related matters. In our very own homes, family members cooperate by carrying out the tasks assigned to them. In an academic setup, teachers would either appoint people or let the students create their group for group activities. There is a similar concept in real estate property—with timeshare as a type of ownership. In all three situations stated above, being open-minded is one factor that makes teamwork successful.

What It Takes to Be a part of a Team

In terms of acquiring a vacation property, there is an option wherein strangers can mutually own a resort condominium unit, for instance—via a timeshare. Disregarding the disadvantages, for now, timeshare is advantageous if you’re after the comfort of staying in a familiar environment during holidays without the inconvenience of scouting places every time, especially during the busiest times of the year. 

Since timeshare is a vacation type of real estate, it is practical to have multiple owners over a single vacation home. The said property will not be used by one person the whole year-round. Keeping this in mind, you will get a more limited and scheduled duration of usage than if you purchase your own vacation home. Through this joint ownership, you are indirectly cooperating with the other owners. Them being strangers would typically mean a low likelihood of collaborating if it were a different setting.

We also start as strangers to those who came before us in school and work—seniors, trainers, teachers, and bosses. Although each is designated to perform a specific set of duties, the nature of roles requires constant interaction with one another. Despite being newly acquainted with each other, it is not a hindrance in making teamwork effective. The presence of strangers allows people to view their teammates with a fresh mindset. Being open-minded is perhaps the humblest and most exemplary display of professionalism that we should all learn and practice. 

Today’s Tip

Even the most introverted man would crave a comfortable emotional and mental connection with another person in the form of a family, friend, or lover. Going back to the times that predated civilization and modernity, families existed as the most fundamental unit of society, even among prehistoric people. This statement implies that man can't live by himself—devoid of human connections, including his own family.

The Three of Pentacles provides us the message of cooperation, with the process involved in a timeshare as an example. It does not mean that you must get a timeshare but rather embody the qualities necessary before and during buying one. Considerations are carefully sifted regarding this financial decision. This act of weighing is reminiscent of our existing personal relationships. Although the family is already assigned at birth, there is room for decisions when selecting people in friendships and romantic relationships. In any social connection, socializing as a two-way effort remains the same—akin to dancing by pair, which requires timing, effort, and patience to get in sync.

Although effective teamwork does not happen right after the meeting of two or more people, it is not an excuse to never try coordinating with others at all. Just as being productive is admirable, it is also equally important to be flexible when the times demand you to be a team player.



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