Your Arcana Message For Today

Impulsiveness only brings an intense yet temporary surge of energy and is not sustainable in the long run.

Impulsiveness only brings an intense yet temporary surge of energy and is not sustainable in the long run.

The Message of the Day

Today, we are called to be more mindful and be more proactive in taking care of our overall health with the Knight of Wands as the bearer of today’s message. Oftentimes, people tend to forget that fitness is more than just the physical aspect. It is only but a single facet of our whole well-being. Our psychological and spiritual health is just as important as staying physically fit. Hence, the synchronization of the body, mind, and soul is what determines the fitness of an individual. 

If you have been thinking for a while now about taking concrete steps in maintaining your physical, psychological, and spiritual fitness, then this is your go signal to turn your plans into action. You might feel a strong surge of inspiration and enthusiasm to pursue your aspirations. Today is an opportune moment to make the most out of this energetic force while you are still in the zone. Provide an outlet to efficiently make use of your energy as well as to sustain it—active means via exercising for your physical health supplemented with ample rest and meditation for your mental health.

Patience is a Virtue

The Knight of Wands is depicted as an adult male dressed in body armor and helmet while riding on a brown horse. Both the horse and its rider seem to be heading quickly towards their respective destination. As the name suggests, the Knight of Wands holds a wooden wand with sprouting leaves on his right hand.

The horse, on the other hand, is shown to embody the same energy as the knight with its front legs raised in midair, as if the knight’s determination has been passed onto the animal. Behind the subjects lies an arid and barren scenery—reminiscent that of a scorching desert. The budding leaves from the wand represent the youthful passion and determination to take on challenges. The persona of the knight can be likened to that of a teenager or a young adult: lively and full of action. This quality is even pronounced with the wands, which parallels that of the element fire. It is only appropriate to say that an individual who has the personality of the Knight of Wands may be passionate and energetic yet can be impatient and hot-tempered.

In relating these symbols to the message for today, we are advised to sustain our motivation and manage our expectations when undertaking a new adventure. Our drive may be fleeting and fickle, depending on the whims of the times and our mood. The question is more on how to preserve our drive for an extended period until we have accomplished our objective rather than on finishing it as quickly as possible. This is also true for subscribing to fitness regimens. Commitment and patience need to be mastered first for you to taste the fruits of your hard-earned labor. Just as you wouldn’t wait for a ripe fruit to fall on your mouth, either by miracle or pure coincidence, you also have to exert considerable effort to turn your fitness goal into a reality.

Honor the Process

If you are a person who suddenly felt the urge to improve your health through being physically active, then it is likely that today will be the day you will finally take the first steps in materializing this plan. It takes great self-discipline before anyone can see their desired results in any kind of endeavor. As for achieving and maintaining fitness goals, this entails continuous and regular observance of workouts and training.

While you are in a state of Knight of Wands—that is, having a tremendous amount of drive—maximize it by efficiently channeling that positive energy towards your purpose. Your motivation is like any fuel stored in a tank or container—it will eventually run out. It needs to be consistently nurtured for any person to keep going. When you feel like you ran out of gas, not in a physical sense but more mental, you have to step away for a while. This is a common occurrence with the Knight of Wands: the intense yet short-lived passion is the primary obstacle that humans will have to first encounter.

For others, this blockage can take in the form of rushing the process of their journey instead of marveling at the sceneries during minor detours. A person may have to learn how to be patient first before one can reach the finish line of his fitness journey. When you start to appreciate the value of the process, it leaves a lasting impression and wisdom on us. 

Today’s Tip

Although a positive outlook is vital in starting a fitness routine, it is simply not enough by itself. At times, it is not the intimidating path that determines whether a person will succeed or not. The deciding factor that often limits an individual is none other than himself. The Knight of Wands tells us that using all your energy until you are worn out is a sure way to lose your motivation faster than usual. We treat ourselves and the resources around us as limited in nature. Once we gain awareness that our sources are restricted, we begin to utilize and conserve them in a more efficient way. 

Similarly, supplementing an active and rigorous lifestyle with a sufficient amount of rest nourishes not only the body but also the psyche and spirit. It may be too easy to do then think later when we get too enthusiastic about starting a plan. This is the danger of impatience and impulsiveness—we tend to fixate on the end goal alone that we overlook the small signs of progress within a milestone. 

And this is not only limited to fitness activities. Whatever goal you may have in mind, there has to be an equilibrium between seeing the smaller and bigger picture to keep us on track. While it is true that taking risks is the first step in exploring outside your comfort zone, it is also equally important to practice commitment for you to finish what you have started.



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