Your Arcana Message For Today

Juggling Multiple Things Can Be Overwhelming But If You Can Maintain A Balance, You Will Reap Maximum Benefits.

Juggling Multiple Things Can Be Overwhelming But If You Can Maintain A Balance, You Will Reap Maximum Benefits.


Today’s tarot card is the two of pentacles. Sometimes you tend to be scared of taking up new responsibilities and juggling many things. You want to gain new skills but you feel you are too busy to enroll in classes yet there is the option of online education. Instead of taking up the challenge, you are giving too many reasons why it is impossible yet they are merely excuses for your inadequacies. Although it's wearing you out and your energy is depleting, the secret to getting the best out of everything is establishing a balance between all your commitments. 

The two of pentacles card shows a man juggling two balls at once which indicates that you are currently juggling many things in life at the moment. This leaves you worn out and other times want to give up since your skills start to become irrelevant with the changes in technology. The things you juggle are equally important and you cannot choose to concentrate on one and leave out the other. Just like the man in the card, you have to maintain a balance by ensuring you do not give one aspect of your life all the attention and deprive the other. The balls in the card represent the opportunities that life is presenting to you. Life is giving you plenty of opportunities and it is up to you to juggle and find which of them is most suitable for you. 

Embracing Online Education

Change is uncomfortable since it forces you to get out of your routine which has become your comfort zone. The wise know that growth lies where there is discomfort while the unwise prefer to stay in the comfort zone even when they are not comfortable there just because they are afraid of change and it ends up limiting their potential. The two of Pentacles can indicate that you are in a dilemma on whether to enroll for an online course but you are hesitant since you have been used to physical education.

On one hand, you want to further your education to keep in line with the changing times, and on the other hand, you are not sure that you can manage to learn online. The two of pentacles card shows you that you need to stop juggling your choices too much and embrace online education. Instead of fearing, take it positively and think of it as an opportunity for you to get a new experience as well as learn. Like the balls in the card, the chance to study online is an opportunity that you will regret if you miss it. By embracing online education, you will enjoy flexibility which will enable you to concentrate on other things too.

Maintaining A Balance

It can be difficult to balance work, family, and education since all are very important. You are at the stage where life has become very busy and if you are not careful you may shine in one aspect such as career and neglect the other such as family. The two of Pentacles card indicates that you need to strive to balance all the aspects that you are juggling. If it’s work, do not be so workaholic that you burn out, if it is furthering your education, opt for online education so that you can have more time with your family thus balancing them well. 

Juggling Multiple Relationships

In relationships, the two of pentacles can indicate that you have not made up your mind on the partner to establish a solid relationship with. This has resulted into entertaining multiple partners to try and find the one that suits you most even though you have not prioritised getting into a relationship. Although it is good to take your time before making a decision, the two of pentacles is a warning that if you waste too much time juggling, you may ending getting hurt and hurting the potential partners. Instead of showing your commitment and focus to every partner yet you have not made up your mind, study them from a distance without giving them false hopes lest they will be like the juggled balls which can easily fall down. Waste no more time juggling partners but instead use your time more productively by engaging in things such as; enrolling for an online class and learning a new skill to improve you as an individual or learning a new game.

Managing Your Finances

The two of Pentacles indicates that you could be experiencing financial challenges where you are juggling on where to invest and where to avoid placing your money. Your needs could be too many that they exceed your financial resources and this has put you in a dilemma on how to solve it. The two of Pentacles advises you to enroll in online classes and educate yourself on money management. It is there that you will learn simple financial skills such as budgeting, financial planning and cash flow management. With these skills at hand, you will be in a better position to decide where it is worth investing in.

On the contrary, failure to gain the skills will see you lose a balance in your financial status and it will end up robbing you of the opportunity to be stable. Through online education, you will learn how to juggle different investments and still reap maximum benefits from it. Life is a risk, you will never know it until you try it out. 

Top Tip Of The Day

Learning does not end with the completion of school but it is a continuous process that happens every single day for the rest of your life. To maintain a balance in life and to make a decision on the things to prioritise you need more information. This means that you have to keep furthering your knowledge in your fields which have been made easier today by online education. Instead of waiting for your skills to become irrelevant, get into that online class and open yourself to learning.


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