Your Arcana Message For Today

Utilizing willpower for the right intentions can create a positive and meaningful impact.

Utilizing willpower for the right intentions can create a positive and meaningful impact.

Today’s Message

The tarot card for today is The Chariot. This card shows both the unwavering sense of duty of the soldier and the steady movement of the chariot. Despite the chariot being merely a tool of the warrior, this represents the physical manifestation of his will since he is in full control of the chariot. If computers have software which is the backbone of computers, humans have determination as their defining characteristic.

Today’s tarot message draws the similarities between a computer and a human. On this note, it is safe to assume that software and determination are the souls of these entities—intangible yet indispensable. It gives these two a sense of direction. But unlike computers which run on a definite type of software, humans are much more complex.

Man has a multitude of aspirations which explains why he does certain things. We are urged to reflect on our actions and identify the motivating factors behind those. Just like how computers need software updates, have you made the necessary upgrades in terms of your overall ambitions? Are your desires fleeting and self-centered? Do your intentions align with the outcome that you desire?

Using Willpower for Appropriate Reasons

All computers need software to function. Among the kinds of system software that computers have in common is an operating system, with Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS as the most widely-known system software. Operating systems and other software are designed to improve the performance of computers and assist humans in their respective tasks. If the software is useless or worse hinders the efficiency of the user, then it should be removed.

The same goes for the desires that give us willpower. While humans have innate goodness in them, we also have our shadow side. The world would be a much better place if all people are motivated to do good deeds at all times. But of course, this is just wishful thinking. Even our deepest yearnings can be futile and detrimental not just to ourselves but also to others. For this reason, it is our social responsibility to assess ourselves and the intentions associated with the actions we are about to do and those we have already done.

The warrior mounted on the chariot is exuding with firm resolve and commands the chariot to go in the direction he pleases. In the card, no reins are visible although he undoubtedly maneuvers the chariot. This symbolism perfectly captures the image of man as the master of his fate. This is made possible through free will—just as much man can accomplish plenty of good deeds in his lifetime, he can also easily end up on the other side of the spectrum if he fails to balance out his shadow self. Even in the absence of reins, it does not change the fact that the charioteer is driving the chariot.

What is even more impressive is that the two sphinxes are pulling in opposite directions. The black and white sphinxes are naturally opposing forces that symbolize duality, similar to man’s nature. This illustrates how powerful one’s mental fortitude is and thus should not be underestimated. He is standing tall amidst external influences. When used appropriately, the energy of the charioteer would make someone an excellent leader and a philanthropist. It is not enough to aspire to be like the charioteer. Our intent must be pure, and that willpower is used for the right reasons: not for the downfall of others but to lift others.

Software and Willpower to Create Positive and Meaningful Impact

Just like how software is programmed to perform the basic and even up to the most complex functions of computers, our willpower should contribute to the betterment of our lives. Can you imagine software that doesn't contribute anything to improve job-related tasks? In the same way, what good will it be if we are motivated to do things for the wrong reasons? And even if it does benefit us to a certain point, will the effects be temporary or long-lasting? Do the risks outweigh the benefits? If the lines are blurred that it is impossible on our own to identify the nature of our intent and the possible results, we can ask for the opinion of either a credible person or those we trust. For this matter, it is highly important to keep an open mind to constructive criticisms.

Another aspect to consider is that our growth and success should not be at the expense of other people. Stories about people who step on others as they climb their way to success and power are no longer new. However, this should not mean that we passively get used to this unfair setup and follow this path in our desperation to accomplish our goals quickly. Similarly, the software can be a dangerous weapon when it falls into the wrong hands. Technologically advanced hacking schemes to infiltrate offices like banks are a perfect example. The nerves of steel that The Chariot embodies also means being resilient against temptations that offer risky shortcuts to attain our desires.

Today’s Tip

Even in the face of adversity, we are reminded to remain steadfast. As the soldier commands the chariot on his way to battle, he also encounters a war within him. It may not show physically, but fears surrounding his possible death and leaving behind his loved ones are valid and inevitable. It is normal to have worries and other concerns since this is part of being human. There will be times you will forget that challenges are not the dead-end to your journey. Obstacles test the firmness of your willpower. What is important is that you refuse the nagging feeling to bind you to surrender. As an old saying goes: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

Rising above internal struggles is a victory like no other—a mountain that seems insurmountable and seas that have been known impossible to cross no longer looks as hard as it initially does. Be reminded that this is only temporary. As the final takeaway of today’s message, here is an ancient Persian proverb:

“This too shall pass. When things are bad, remember: It won't always be this way. Take one day at a time. When things are good, remember: It won't always be this way. Enjoy every great moment.”




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