Your Arcana Message For Today

Springs Of Wisdom Will Flow From Your Heart If You Become A Helper Of Hearts.

Springs Of Wisdom Will Flow From Your Heart If You Become A Helper Of Hearts.

Today’s card is the Chariot. You have to make choices that favor you as the universe has allowed you to will positively and negatively for there is a power that lies in your hands. With determination and commitment, you are most likely to see the desires of your heart coming to being. You have been challenging yourself to bear fruit in all you do, this card comes as encouragement that with enough willpower and determination, you will start noticing your achievements.

The Chariot card shows a warrior standing on a chariot. This indicates the need to take charge of your life and reclaim your power of attorney. His armour has the symbol of a crescent moon which indicates that you are at a growth stage where you are yet to recognize your true potential. It also has various alchemical symbols to indicate that you are in a state of spiritual transformation. The warrior wears a crown on his head and this indicates that you will be successful and victorious in whatever you do. The warrior holds a wand to indicate that you need to take control of your life through the strength of your mind and will.

Although he is on a chariot, he still stands to indicate that you need to be brave enough and stand up as an attorney for the fearful. In front of the chariot, there is a white and black sphinx and they are looking in opposite directions to represent negative and positive forces around your life. You will be faced with these forces and you will need the wit of an attorney to distinguish them and know where to go. There is also a river behind the chariot which shows the need to continue flowing with the rhythm of life and move towards your purpose in life. 

Push Past The Obstacles.

Challenges are unavoidable in your life, they serve the purpose of making you learn lessons and also appreciate things when they come in your life. You have been desiring for things to change in your life, maybe you are in a situation that doesn’t favor you and you truly desire things will happen differently. You lack the zeal to push forward and you are becoming timid about going for what you want. Now is not the time to be passive in the hope that things will work out in your favor eventually. Be focused, take action, and stick to your course no matter what difficulties come your way because the challenges will always be there every step of the way. 

You may feel like your conviction is being tested and as if you are being pulled in an opposite direction. Other people may try to distract you, block you or drag you behind while you try to pursue your goal. In the card, the sphinxes are both forces of positivity and negativity but the warrior still has the power to steer the chariot in the direction he wants. This card invites you to draw your willpower to do what is necessary for you.  Gather strength within yourself to push past the obstacles you may face.

Be Your Own Attorney.

Attorneys know how to fight cases and create good defense in court so that you become free from problems. It is their sole responsibility to make sure you are well-represented, you are justified and you get what is right for you. While you literally don’t have to go to court, you have to be an attorney for yourself throughout life. To defend yourself, protect your interests, and make sure you get what you want out of life. You have been going easy on what others impose on you, which can affect what you believe in. You may be shying away from this responsibility because you don’t want to make other people uncomfortable. In the card, the warrior wears a coat with a square which represents the strength of your willpower, and the other alchemical symbols on it that show your spiritual transformation. Be willing to be transformed.

This card calls out to you to be courageous and assert yourself. Be bold in laying down your boundaries and expressing your desires, otherwise, you will not get your way. Know who you are and what you stand for, you need to have faith in yourself. This will help you build your values and belief systems with an open mind and a clearer perspective.

Attorneys Keep Their Focus.

Attorneys know what to say and how to make the case go in your favor. Any slight mistake can make the whole case turn against you. They are confident and are focused on getting a positive outcome for you as the client. As the attorney of your life, do you think you can achieve much if you attend to your life case differently? You may be letting fate take its course and you accept the way life decides to take you, but that means giving up your power of turning things around. Self-doubt is poisonous to you, do not let it rein. You wonder if you have what it takes to complete an important project or achieve your goals.

The Chariot card is a sign that you should keep your focus and remain confident in your abilities, and you will succeed. You need to use your self-discipline and willpower to deliver the tasks you have at hand. You can’t take the easy route or cut corners, that will lead you to failure. Instead, see your journey as a test of conviction and strength and know that victory is achievable, but it’s up to you to follow through and make sure it happens as you want it to.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Go for what you want and use the power you have to push through. You have enough resources within you to bring every dream you have into reality. Set your eyes on the ball, and use any strategy to get to it.


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