Your Arcana Message For Today

The Journey Ahead Will Not Be Easy But Resting Is Critical To Recover Your Strength

The Journey Ahead Will Not Be Easy But Resting Is Critical To Recover Your Strength

Today’s tarot card is strength. The card is a sign of good luck if you are recovering from an illness, from financial losses, or even from failed relationships. It signifies the end of a painful period and the ushering in of a new era of inner strength, power, and dominance. 

The card has an image of a woman dressed in white and with a crown of flowers. Around her waist, she also wears a belt of flowers. The white dress signifies innocence while the flowers portray that nature is currently at its best ready to grant you success and abundance in whatever path you choose. The woman bows down to stroke a lion that looks up to her and wags its tail between its legs. This signifies the ferocity of your fears that you are required to overcome. If you fail to tame your fears, they will consume you instead. She handles the lion with so much grace which means you are required to face your problems and solve them amicably. Above her head is an inverted number eight which is also a symbol of infinity to mean that you can be anything you want to be.

The world is limitless and so are your potentials. Quit restricting yourself and building a wall around your capabilities. Arise and bring down the walls restricting you. The time to move ahead is now and the universe is at your side making things ready to work in your favor!

When Your Strength Fails

There are times when life will kick you and knock you down and you will be expected to get back up. You will be running so fast and being ahead in the race one moment and the next minute you have lost your balance and fallen down. Nevertheless, you will be expected to quickly get up and reclaim your top position before the race ends. Life is always a playground and if you play continuously, you risk collapsing. After every game, you are required to take a break to ensure you recover your strength, or else you will lose the match due to excessive pressure on your muscles. It is a battleground and when injured, you will be required to quit fighting and take some time off to recover. If you fight continuously to the last bit of your strength when injured, you risk getting killed. Sadly, even after you have been killed, the battle will still go on and new warriors will be recruited to replace you.

The Strength card shows that you have been on the run in an attempt to remain on the top. There are days when your body becomes weak, your spirit becomes frail and you feel like giving up but you are still holding on. Although your strength is slowly failing you, you still want to push yourself beyond the limit. The card is warning you that if you do not take some time to recover and get your strength back, you will end up being consumed by the burdens you are carrying. 

Recovering Your Potential

You have been afraid of taking the route you perceive is difficult even without finding out whether you can conquer it. The lion in your soul stays asleep as you are afraid of waking it up. Today’s card shows that you have allowed other people to limit you and set the bar for you. This has made them take away your power and there are many things you are capable of achieving although you are yet to discover them. By giving them the wheel, they are steering you towards their destination of choice as opposed to where you want to be taken to.

Although you have the capability to go through the rough roads and conquer the mountains, they end up avoiding those paths hence if you fail to act fast you will never realize. Like the woman taming a lion, you are capable of overcoming your greatest fears yet you keep avoiding them. Take up the challenge today of reclaiming your power, getting back on the steering, and head towards your desired direction. Instead of avoiding the challenges that come your way, face them with confidence and they will bow to you. Sit back no more but arise and recover your potential!

Conquering Your Greatest Fears

While you could be sick and fearing that your body will never be restored to its former normal functioning mode, the strength card is telling you to calm down because you are strong and you can fight any illness if only you believe that you will. You might be afraid of taking action on something because you perceive it is too risky for you but the strength card indicates that you will never have an idea of how successful you can be unless you are willing to try out things without the fear of failure. The greatest tragedy in life lies not in failing but in being very afraid of facing your fears that you hesitate to make a decision that would have granted you a lifetime opportunity.

Just like the woman is able to tame the lion, which is a ferocious creature capable of mauling her, the universe is calling you to step out boldly then go and meet your greatest fears. Remember you need no weapons to fight them but inner strength and wisdom to know what decision is the most significant and gives you an edge over others. Your lion is outside, stop loving yourself up but go face it!

Top Tip Of The Day

There comes a time in your life when you can no longer avoid the mountains on your path as there is no alternative route. At that time, you will need to rise up the mountains to continue with the journey. Making a choice to go ahead will require you to be brave because going back will be deadly. During this moment, remember that your strength will see you climb up the mountains. When you get tired before reaching the peak, remember it is okay to relax and recover your strength. 


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