Your Arcana Message For Today

We need to accept that some of our misfortunes occur on its own and is inevitable.

We need to accept that some of our misfortunes occur on its own and is inevitable.

The Message of the Day

The very core message of the Ten of Swords is all about being on the receiving end of the damage. It is only natural to feel disheartened when an unfortunate circumstance happens, whether it has directly affected us or not. The amount of damage we get from events beyond our control varies for each situation and individual. However, one fact remains clear—no person in their right minds would wish such misfortune unto themselves. Given that we are aware of how much suffering from both tangible and intangible causes can bring us damage, it is only ideal to not desire the same fate to others. 

The number ten in the esoteric field is associated with closing out of the current cycle. This bitter conclusion to a chapter may leave us fazed and downcast, but this does not determine the ending of the story in its entirety. After we are left devastated in the wake of a hurricane, we undergo a period of slow recovery. At this point, we may be unaware that are already transitioning onto another segment of our quest towards self-improvement. Just as the storm is followed by a rainbow afterward, this somehow gives hope to anyone who is downtrodden that the wheels of fate will soon turn in their favor.

Observing Damage Control through Our Words

The tens in the tarot card signify endings. As for the Ten of Swords, this only presents that a cycle has ended in a rather painful way. The subject in the card is a man lying face down with his head turned away from the viewer’s sight. The man’s position along with the ten swords plunged onto his back, the damage he has dealt would be enough to make any person think that he is already dead. Although the swords are only sunk shallowly on his body, we cannot fathom the level of pain he must have felt. The environment surrounding the man seems to mirror his ill-fated circumstance. The helpless lad is lying on barren sand with the blue sea stretched far and wide beyond him. Further past the seas is a towering mountain range in the distance.

Meanwhile, the dark and thick skies up ahead signal that a storm is brewing—leaving an ominous symbolism that somehow confirms the tragic fate of the man in question. Even with the impending doom that has befallen the man, the horizon where the vast sea and the faraway mountain are located remains sunny and lively. To add, the sea behind the man does not show the usual signs of a looming typhoon—huge and violent waves enough to frighten anyone who might see them. Instead, the blue sea remains still amidst the turbulent changes in the weather.

The agonizing pain from being pierced by a sword summarizes the detrimental effects of inanimate factors—thoughts, actions, and most especially words. These are tools that can be wielded as weapons. The causes for the damage you have incurred could be coming from either other people or circumstances outside human intervention. At the same time, you can also easily inflict the same damage on others if you are not careful. Since the swords often represent those matters of the mind and intellect, our words perfectly fit in this description—a powerful yet destructive double-edged sword indeed. 

The Anchor in Navigating through the Predicament

Although the imagery presented in the card is gloomy, the scenery that lies further into the background reveals expansive yet serene waters. Finding the silver lining in the middle of a catastrophe may not work for most people. Incorporating positivity during these stressful moments does not mean you are trading in the harsh reality with an ideal illusion. It simply indicates that you are finding hope to act as your rope so that you will not be carried away with the raging current that comes with the storm. While helplessness and doubt are inherent in being human, it is hope that serves as the anchor in our existence.

Healing comes with time. Both the mind and the body should be in sync before this will materialize. For instance, road accidents may leave the victim with an injured body and a traumatic disorder. The second runs deeper and is not easily perceived by the senses. This trauma can come from a multitude of roots other than accidents—it could be physical exploitation from a family member, verbal abuse caused by a co-worker, and many others. These could leave a long-lasting imprint on our psyche that makes it even harder to undo the damage that has already been done. At best, we can only enforce boundaries on these toxic individuals and deal with them head-on since we don't have control over their attitudes. Instead, we can learn to take their unpleasant qualities as our basis for correcting similar tendencies we have that may also intentionally or unintentionally hurt others.

We have already been through countless challenges in our life which have inflicted damage on our physical and psychological well-being on varying scales. Nevertheless, you still managed to rise above it. 

Today’s Tip

Similar to how a single melancholic chapter in a novel does not decide the outcome of the plot, several adversities we encounter also do not allude to that we are born as unlucky people. 

There is no shortcut in overcoming this challenging yet temporary phase. It is completely acceptable to stay stagnant while you are still processing and weaving your way out in this sticky situation. You can even notice that the man in the Ten of Swords remains alive but cannot move. This is because the swords piercing his back are already causing too much physical and mental damage which makes staying motionless the most preferred course of action. Be reminded that the recovery phase has to be taken slow and easy. Don’t pressure and rush yourself. Now, of all times, is exactly when you needed the most to treat yourself with kindness and patience. At the same time, be mindful of your words to avoid causing unintended emotional pain to others while you are tending your wounds. 

If there is at least one assurance that comes with the passing nature of circumstances, it is the odds being against you will not stay permanent. Holding on to this fact will somehow shift your perspective that all is not yet lost.



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