Your Arcana Message For Today

Your Future Is Completely Open; You Have A Chance To Write It As You Desire.

Your Future Is Completely Open; You Have A Chance To Write It As You Desire.

Today’s tarot card is the queen of swords.  While you can leave your future to fate, it is important to create a life that you want and be able to feel a sense of security. Creating a life for yourself needs a lot of hard work which most people are not willing to do. Have a sense of responsibility and develop the intellectual capacity that will help you create avenues that will channel you in the right direction. You cannot afford to live an uninsured life.

In the queen of swords tarot card, there is a queen who wears a stern look as she sits on her throne, looking off into the distance. This represents the need for you to be focused and grow with the future in mind. The queen’s throne is high in the clouds showing her position above average and the fact that no one can fool her. The double-edged sword she holds points to the sky, while her other hand extends out like she is offering something to represent the gift of judgment that is given to you for everyday decisions and the need to be flexible to take in knowledge from others. The clouds around her symbolize the nature of change that you should continuously embrace.

This tarot card represents a person who is in your life or will appear in it that is ready to guide and support you. This person will uplift and encourage you to fulfill your full potential just as you see the queen as strong, empathetic, and willing to take someone under her wing.

Know What You Need In Your Life.

Your character is like life insurance, you get to reap what you have been sowing and it gets to affect people who are close to you. You are required to continuously improve yourself for you to reach the goals you have set. In the queen of swords card, you see her with mental clarity and intellectual power which shows you have the gift of making unbiased judgments, being able to use your intellect while remaining flexible. Every plan you have in your life should be beneficial. It is necessary to choose what works for you and work towards it. Do not be all over the place with things to do, figure out the needs and work towards them. Having a cluttered life can only limit you from reaching your full potential. As you lead from the head and not the heart, you are in a better position to make decisions for yourself with discernment and without the influence of sentimentality and emotion. The queen of swords is telling you to be fearless in the pursuit of a good future.

Guarantee Others The Truth.

It is easy to feel the need to sugarcoat things so that people do not feel uncomfortable. This is an easy way of losing someone.  The queen of swords suggests that you have the ability to tell things are they are.  You are a thinker, perceptive, and do not find the need to beat about the bush or soften what you say. Do not let the fear of what others think, limit you from doing what is right. Although insuring a relationship lasts requires you to protect your loved ones from pain, the ones who are really for you will stay regardless of you not dancing to their tune.

Insurance Is Needed To Ease The Burden Of Loss.

Pain and hurt have made you become guarded and you feel the dread of going through similar situations to what harmed you. Even though you cannot prevent some events from happening, you have the potential to make yourself well prepared to face issues in life. Going through life, you have learned to be wiser and you are in a better position to cushion what comes your way. The queen of swords tells of enduring struggles throughout your life which lead to having a preserving spirit and deeper spiritual growth. In the tarot card, you see that despite her independence and great inner strength, the queen of swords has a degree of loneliness and a need for companionship. You see she is familiar with sorrow which has made her self-sufficient and wise. Allow what you have gone through to make you a powerful ally, mostly in times of adversity, because now you know better.

Fill In The Gap.

Everyone else is thinking about themselves as a top priority. Others prefer to stay in the shadows because they avoid accountability and the responsibility that comes with leadership. You have gone through problems in life and you know that you once needed someone to be there for you. There is an existing gap around you that needs to be filled. Because of your past, you are well capable of holding executive positions, just like the queen whose mannerisms and appearance often suggest prosperity and wealth. You are asked to attempt to help people going through sorrowful life moments to come to terms with their misery. With the queen looking into the future, she is letting you know that you should be positive because there is a potential joy that awaits. Acknowledge and respect the pain that you and others have experienced. Focus on healing, this will help you to be able to deal with your daily life demands.

Top Tip Of The Day.

Listen to sound counsel from people who are able to view the issues and dilemmas you go through from a higher perspective and see this from different angles. Go to people who have spiritual depth and will not mince their words when giving you advice. Offer the same when someone else is in need and always have their best interests at heart. Always think objectively, in an analytical and factual way, it will help you stay away from predictable problems. It is the experiences that you have had that shape your character, know what to learn from and what to let go of, mostly if it hurts you.



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