Your Tarot Message For Today

Exhale the Toxic Gases in Your Life

Exhale the Toxic Gases in Your Life

Today’s card on the deck is the Judgement card. The card depicts the image of an angel blowing a trumpet. Below him are naked people including, men, women and children, coming out of graves with their hands raised upwards and their faces looking into the sky. There is also a big mountain in the background. Pulling the upright Judgement card is an indicator that you need to search through your soul, step on the gas pedal and move forward.

The Judgement card could indicate that you have absorbed toxic gases into your system and they are suffocating your growth. You wish to make progress in life yet over the years you have remained stagnant. Just like the angel blows a trumpet to signify the beginning of the judgement, this card is a call for you to arise from the pit you have fallen in, dust yourself and exhale the toxic gas that is weighing you down. Perhaps you are in a toxic relationship where you keep on tolerating your abusive partner out of the fear of the unknown, maybe you are subjecting your body to toxicity by failing to exercise, intaking drugs and poor feeding habits, you might be consuming toxic gas by watching explicit content or even by allowing other people to take advantage of you.

The image of people arising from their graves is a reminder that you can come out of any bad situation that you might be in. Just like there is life after death, you are given the assurance that you will rise after falling. Some of the ways that indicate that you may be experiencing death are; failure of your business, loss of your job, breaking of your marriage, failing in your exams, being diagnosed with an illness, death of a loved one among others. If you are experiencing any of those, you might be feeling as if it is the end of the road for you. The whole world will not make sense to you and you will feel like letting go. Before giving up, the judgement card is challenging you to hold on for death is not the end of it all. You will rise again when the time is right and when you do, make sure to step on the gas pedal and head toward your destiny and purpose. 

The judgement card could also indicate that you judge yourself very harshly because of your mistakes and failures. You find it hard to forgive yourself for your past mistakes and this only makes you inhale toxic gases that inhibit your growth. It calls upon you to take it easy on yourself and learn from the past. This is the only way to exhale the toxic gas inside you and heal from the wounds that cause you pain. While the process will not be easy, be patient and persevere. Even if it means going through death, face it with full acceptance with the hope that you will overcome and rise again. The universe is cheering for you!

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