Your Tarot Message For Today

By staying firm yet also being open-minded, we can make a disadvantage into our greatest weapon.

By staying firm yet also being open-minded, we can make a disadvantage into our greatest weapon.

The Message of the Day

Being a newly-hired employee in the office is always a mixture of enthusiasm and nervousness. You have these persisting thoughts regarding the basis of your employment. Since they hired you based on your potential, you still need to prove that you are worthy of being chosen. The apprenticeship status, as illustrated in today's tarot card, is the Eight of Pentacles. This card points out the significance of undergoing training and the skills that can be acquired and improved. 

Expectations are set on the newcomer to go through a probation period for job training. There are lots of aspects that schools and universities cannot prep us into the professional realm. A considerable portion of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of employers by providing internships to rookies. Having a taste of the work environment as well as the management of transactions is all part of the experience—a significant source of knowledge that schools somehow cannot provide extensively.

Part of the daily work transactions is being accustomed to the technological aspects, especially using business software. Those unfamiliar with the nature and purpose of a business software might have misconceptions, thinking that it is solely for commerce, trading, and other business-related matters. However, these types of software have a wide range of uses that can accommodate the most basic tasks even up to the complex nature of programming.

Getting used to business software in a typical work setup can be challenging at first. With time and practice, it will eventually become a part of a person’s muscle memory. The Eight of Pentacles reminds us that this is a process one must have to go through. There is no shortcut towards mastery and success. 

Upgrading Your Skills

Since this minor arcana card is named Eight of Pentacles, the man also created eight coins. One can immediately notice that he is wearing an apron on top of his regular clothes, indicating that crafting coins is his means of livelihood. The young man sits on a long wooden bench engraving the pentagram symbol onto the seventh coin. Since he has already finished six pentacles, his work for the day will soon be over. His environment has helped him focus and accomplish a lot—there is a town nearby. Still, judging from his work location, it looks like he has purposely performed his job away from all the noise and distractions. With each coin he produced, he is slowly building the skills needed to become a master in his respective field.

This card brings us a valuable message about the relevance of exerting effort for one's skill development. In applying this to the modern office setup, maintaining a harmonious and pleasing ambiance within the room is integral for maximizing productivity. The significance of business software now comes into play: it assists in the efficiency of an individual and increases and measures productivity. Thus, it is no surprise that business software has become thoroughly ingrained in almost any transaction. Even if a person is comfortable with the traditional ways, he will still adapt the technologically advanced practices. It is the work environment and tools that will prove to be the most useful for a worker. If you use them to your advantage, it will significantly help in upgrading your skills.

Don’t Forget that You Also Have Strengths

No matter how talented a person is in a given field, each one of us has to start from scratch. It is akin to a newborn child who cannot stand on his legs. Humans would crawl as the first process in learning how to stand up. Degree holders have started training in the most fundamental topics such as the writing and numeral system, even in receiving formal education. Hence, no expert has reached a mastery level on his own. There is somehow a human intervention that made this progress possible. It is also the same as being a rookie in your chosen professional career. Schools cannot prepare their students from specific company guidelines and the work atmosphere once they are out in the real world. People have to learn it once they are already in that situation.

Not only must we focus on our weaknesses, the lack of knowledge about business software, but we must not forget that we also have our strengths. Even the man in the Eight of Pentacles has shown us that putting in the effort, patience, and guidance from those with more knowledge will be the stepping stones towards success. His display of determination and placing himself in an enriching environment are his primary weapons. Business software may be an insurmountable mountain to those who are used to the traditional ways. However, only those who are dedicated and persevering will emerge to be successful. Maximize these two qualities, and it will be manageable for you to learn almost any skill there is.

Today’s Tip

The training obtained from work is no different from the preparations and guidance we received in our earlier years. It is only expected for a beginner to struggle to use business software. Yet, it is not a sufficient reason to give up. It might be difficult at first, but the knowledge one can gain from it makes the struggle so worth it. In a similar sense, the ever-changing nature of circumstances provides us both good and bad experiences to learn. It only boils down to the strength of will of a specific individual. While it is only part of being human to be discouraged, it is entirely up to you how you will act next based on a rather unpleasant situation. Will you treat learning to navigate business software as a dead-end that has wholly blocked your path? Will you see it as merely a wall that you can climb over if you just tried hard enough? Or will you take it as a sign to take another approach in going towards your desired goal?

Facing a temporary obstacle is now reliant on your current skills and mindset. Objectively viewing the problem allows you to solve it more quickly. It is a lesson regarding a particular aspect—patience, learning to ask for help, broadening one's perspective, and others. Eventually, it is possible to turn our weakness into a strength.



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