Your Tarot Message For Today

Once you treat your struggles as temporary hurdles instead of a permanent and immovable wall, this marks a new milestone in your journey.

Once you treat your struggles as temporary hurdles instead of a permanent and immovable wall, this marks a new milestone in your journey.

The Message of the Day

The Five of Cups is here to guide us on the inevitability of misfortune and losses for today's message. We have encountered countless unfortunate situations in our life. Yet, we continue to face many more of them in the future. Some of these may be due to our poor decisions in life. There are also times that these events can purely happen out of nowhere—that is, beyond our control. The second one is even more distressing because a fraud person has put us in this tight position. No matter how much we practice caution in every single decision we are about to take, there are blind spots left.

Given the unpredictable nature of events, expect that situations will not always turn out as we initially planned. It is acceptable to feel dejected, but eventually, you will pick yourself back up and start anew. Processing emotions such as frustration, despair, and fear take time—leading to a healthy way of coping amidst unfavorable circumstances. It is comparable to taking mortgages, wherein accumulating debt in addition to losing your home is always a huge possibility. When you first signed up for mortgages, there is always an assumption that a thorough analysis by weighing the pros and cons has already been made. In some countries, mortgages might be the only way to own residential property—a significant decision such as this one that you cannot afford to fail. Hence, it would be best if you neither rush nor underestimate when making a choice as significant as this. 

The Balance between Emotions and Logic

The subject of the Five of Cups is an adult man wearing a long black cloak. As the man's head is bowed down, his back is facing away from the viewers. He focuses his attention on the three cups in front of him. These cups are knocked down, and their contents spilled onto the ground. On the other hand, there are still two more cups behind him that are standing upright. In the distance lies a river with a castle on the opposite side. A bridge connects the lands that are separated by the river.

The cups that fell represent all the unpleasantries that are attached to human existence. It can be the end of a relationship, loss of a job, or even the death of a loved one. Allowing ourselves to feel these emotions is even more critical for those unlikeable ones—anger, panic, and grief all tend to be seen negatively. Denying these emotions may even cause detrimental long-term effects. On the side of the spectrum, being overly fixated on these feelings makes you lose appreciation of the good things in life. Like the man in the card, he did not feel grateful for the cups that were left standing. Neither bottling your emotions nor being too preoccupied is a good practice, so striking a balance is the only preferable option.

Maintaining equilibrium in terms of one's perspective is also essential when entering into mortgages, either an employee or a borrower. Considering all the possible angles in analyzing a situation is a valuable skill you can apply in almost any setting. As a worker under an agency specializing in mortgages, he must compromise between accomplishing numerous tasks and being accurate. A mortgage lender ensures that the guidelines are observed to prevent incurring losses on his end. Meanwhile, a borrower should factor in the disadvantages when considering acquiring a property via mortgages. Although these three have different tasks, they each have a role to play and responsibilities to fulfill. After we are done processing emotions, we should apply logic to balance these two.

No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

Having a guarantee in every decision we make is not possible. At some point, there will be a downside. The card tells us to appreciate what we still have during unfavorable situations instead of focusing too much on what is lost. The final resort is to learn the lessons from this situation to avoid it from occurring again in the future. Although this is only in preparation for the worst possible outcome, this should not stop you from taking all the appropriate measures to make your aspiration a success. 

Before entering into a mortgage, the top considerations are the payment by cash and the property attached to the borrowed money as a guarantee. Pursuing your initial decision would mean that you are willing to face the consequences—pay all the fees, including the additional fees and interest rates. Apart from partaking in mortgages, there are plenty of other life decisions that can determine our path. For instance, choosing what course to take for college is the primary step in laying out the foundation of your future. If the payment structure of mortgages is long-term, so does finishing tertiary education. A specific timeframe is set in accomplishing a task. Both also entail difficulties along the way.

Whereas the challenges involved in schooling are diverse, ranging from economic factors to changes in course and school preference, mortgages, on the other hand, is mainly on the financial and economic side. Some of these struggles may be minimal, while others are prolonged. There is nothing to be ashamed of when you get low grades in class. Instead of regretting over things you can no longer reverse, you go over where you made mistakes and learn from them. Even if we are no longer in school, we continue to learn from our experiences.

Today’s Tip

Each decision we make bears weight, as it can affect not just ourselves but also others. Even if we have the freedom to make decisions, it does mean that we can be careless with it. Our free will always come at a price. That is, we possess the responsibility to incorporate morally and ethically sound choices. Failing classes due to not seriously taking your studies can mean extending your stay at school. Being too trusting when doing transactions with others could incur a monetary loss on your end, especially if you happen to encounter a scammer. Whether the fault comes from other people or us, our following actions will be crucial. Will you immerse yourself in self-pity for an indefinite period, just like how the man in the card acted towards the spilled cups? Or will you allow it to be a significant turning point for your growth? Once you treat your struggles as temporary hurdles instead of a permanent and immovable wall, this marks a new milestone in your journey.



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