Your Tarot Message For Today

Setting realistic expectations helps us avoid falling into illusion and blind optimism.

Setting realistic expectations helps us avoid falling into illusion and blind optimism.

The Message of the Day

For today, we are urged to look within ourselves and confront our shadow side. With The Moon as the tarot card for today, the hideous features of man will be unmasked and brought to light. This is a necessary process in understanding our shadow instead of being hard on ourselves for having this quality. Whereas the sun is the master of the day, the moon, on the other hand, illuminates the world while it is facing away from the sun. Instead of the radiant and rather blinding light of the sun, the moonlight is gentler and more subtle. Similarly, our goal is to mirror the gentleness of the moon in approaching our less-liked traits. 

In associating this phenomenon to a real-life situation, engaging in a mortgage would be the most suitable example. Before venturing into any type of endeavor, it is a must to know the basic facts related to a certain field. The importance of this is even more emphasized when it comes to business-related matters, especially in a mortgage. Just like with other business transactions, a mortgage involves negotiations wherein the result of the compromisation is reflected in a written legal contract. In case anything goes wrong, at the very least you have a clue on what to do during those critical situations. Given that man has inherent strengths and flaws, it would be wise to be wary of man’s dark nature no matter the nature of the relationship.

The Dual Nature of Things

In general, The Moon is one of the many tarot cards that tends to be seen in a bad light. To be specific, this card can serve as an alarm for a looming danger. Just as the name of the card suggests, a big bright full moon sheds light in the middle of the night sky. On each side of the moon are two towers. Below the celestial body is a dog and a wolf howling under the full moon. In the center is a grassy field with a small body of water in the foreground where a crayfish is seen crawling. Further into the background is a tall mountain range. All of these represent our subconscious mind. The moon itself represents all things that are hidden—our intuition, thoughts, and the unconscious. Even the dog and the wolf symbolize the dual aspects of the mind and of the nature of man itself—tamed and wild, developed and undeveloped, mature and immature. 

This dual characteristic also applies in mortgages—and it is a matter that should not be taken lightly. As with all other business transactions, a mortgage has its advantages and disadvantages. Being aware of this is the bare minimum before taking part in this transaction. You must also do basic research to somehow fill in the parts where you lack knowledge. This procedure is essential in decision-making—the act of pursuing or dropping the initial plan should be decided only after a thorough weighing of the pros and cons has been made.

Opting for a mortgage means you are accepting the risks associated with it. When most people would avoid taking this route because of it, you continued despite the dangers. Succeeding guarantees merit for it; on the other hand, failure leads to losing your home. As long as you recognize the intrinsic worth and what’s at stake of a certain deed, you are on the right path.

The Dog vs the Wild Wolf

While it is only natural for humans to be unable to possess innate knowledge, it is no reason to immediately jump into a high-risk situation without planning. Apart from being an unwise decision, it is a downright reckless and irresponsible move to put all your trust in a single leap of faith—as if that act is enough by itself. One single act does not produce the unrealistic success that we have in mind. Applying this to mindlessly participating in a mortgage, you are just inviting misfortune into your life.

As portrayed in the tarot card, we have to let go of the untamed wolf within us and let the domesticated dog do the practical tasks. The wolves need to be reminded that the outcome of events won’t always go their way. In addition to the illusion that things will somehow work out, having blind optimism that people will always have good intentions is another challenge to surpass in the form of wishful thinking. 

Even when you are wary of other people, reading motives is harder than it seems. Encountering these kinds of people in a mortgage or any other type of agreement is just pure bad luck. Information regarding how to deal with scammers coupled with quick thinking might save you from succumbing to a pit of misery. It is during these situations that the instincts of the wild wolf are proven to be useful. Indeed, our inner wolf and dog can be our greatest downfall just as how it is our greatest asset at the same time.

Today’s Tip

Oftentimes, we don’t have the luxury of achieving something that is guaranteed without any challenge to it. The challenge of partaking in a mortgage clearly illustrates that the path to success is a long and winding road. By keeping in mind that life is not so generous that it allows us to do whatever we please and still succeed, it is best to stay on the safe side by focusing on prevention instead of the cure. After all, thorough planning as a preventive measure is always better than patching things up after a mess happens.

Furthermore, The Moon warns us that things don’t exactly appear as they are. Motivations, dreams, and intuition are all invisible to the naked eye. There is a limit in determining the precise and accurate hidden motives of an individual. There will always be people who take advantage of others. Even in business transactions, most especially in a mortgage, scammers are waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting victim. More than just avoiding these individuals, it is more important to expose them and taking legal action to avoid others falling into an ill-fated situation. 

As a final takeaway, the least we can do is give people the benefit of the doubt. This is to avoid being unnecessarily suspicious of anyone we come across. Again, knowing when to utilize the dog and wolf within us is the key.



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