Your Tarot Message For Today

Raising Your Standards Higher

Raising Your Standards Higher

On the deck today is the Justice tarot card and it appears to inform you that you need to raise your standards in life. Life on earth can be compared to a stock market where the prices of the stocks vary depending on various circumstances. If you lower your standards, people will look down upon you and treat you with disrespect. The Justice card is a call for you to fight for your space in the stock market of life and make it on top of the list.

In the upright manner, the Justice card indicates that you have the power to decide how people treat you. Just like the man on the card lifts a sword in his hand, you are called upon to raise the bar high. You might be entertaining toxic friends in your circle just because you are afraid of cutting them off and hurting them yet they are the reason your value is down. Your family members might be the obstacles in your life because they are forcing you to walk on the path that leads to the market where their demand is high yet in that market your demand is very low thus lowering your stock price.

Your partner may be the reason your stock price in life is low because they have taken it upon themselves to clip your wings so that you can be a regular bird that no longer flies. They are afraid that if you recognize your worth, you will fly away and leave them, thus their insecurities are the shackles that keep you from excelling in the stock market. The Justice card thus appears to demand that you unshackle yourself from the mediocrity in your life and any barriers stopping your stock price from excelling. The sword is in your hands and you ought to take it up and use it to fight for your space.

The reversed Justice card indicates that you have lowered yourself and failed to recognize your worth. You have refused to take up the scales in your hands and get to know the exact measure of your worth. In a world that fails to appreciate people until they are no more, you are tasked to be different. Set yourself apart from the rest and make it your habit to appreciate the people in your life. To increase your stock price; choose good over evil, kindness over cruelty, justice over injustice, wisdom over ignorance and light over darkness. The world stock market offers everything and you are tasked to choose what seems pleasing and most suitable to you. The universe is providing you with scales to  weigh the different options that life presents to you and it is upon you to choose the option that has great impact and lesser risks. 

With the appearance of the Justice card, haste and take it upon yourself to set the bar so high that nobody will lower you. 

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