Your Tarot Message For Today

Standing up for Your Beliefs

Standing up for Your Beliefs

Today’s card on the deck is the Emperor tarot card. Unlike the empress card that calls for using your soft side, this card requires you to embrace the masculinity in you to fight for your place in the universe. It depicts a powerful man seated on a throne and he wears a facial expression that screams power. His beard is white and long to indicate the wisdom behind his age. On his right hand is a sceptre and on his left hand is a globe and they symbolise the power that he yields. His throne is decorated with two ram heads and he wears a crown symbolising his dominance. 

Pulling out the emperor card might be an indicator that you are experiencing challenges with your confidence and self-esteem in general. Like the emperor, you have power over your life and you do not need any lawyer to fight for you. When it comes to the issues affecting you, the card is indicating that you need to put aside your worry and be your own lawyer. While you may be tempted to use other people as your lawyers ,such as your family, friends and experts, this card assures you that once you become your own lawyer you will be unstoppable. 

Being a lawyer of your life will require a high level of intellect just like the wise emperor. People will try to provoke you so that you may lose your cool, become angry and make mistakes while in the state of anger thus losing to them. Wisdom will enable you to identify the pitfalls that people are likely to push you over and thus avoid them before getting there. Like lawyers who are custodians of the law, you have to be smart enough to know the best moment to react. No matter how much people try to provoke you, maintain the calm demeanour of the emperor.

As a lawyer, you will be faced with numerous criticism because of what you are fighting for. Although the emperor card indicates that you have power to decide the type of lawyer you want to be, you are challenged to be a good lawyer who fights for the good in the world. Just as lawyers can be easily bribed and they choose to walk on the path of corruption, life will present you with many choices and you will decide what to fight for. The pressure to bury your beliefs will be too much that you will be tempted to give in. 

The emperor card is a wake up call for you to be fierce when standing up for what you believe in. The reality is that fighting for the truth can be draining for any lawyer but if you do not awaken the masculinity in you and fight for your space, you will lead a life of regrets and emptiness. 

In such an individualistic society, fighting for your space and safeguarding the interests of humanity may seem like an impossible dream. However, you have all it takes to make it a reality and set yourself apart from the rest. Go ahead and take charge as the lawyer of your life!

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