Your Tarot Message For Today

Utilizing Your Talents to Heal the Universe

Utilizing Your Talents to Heal the Universe

On the deck today is the Hanged Man tarot card. It is a card that challenges one to sacrifice their inner desires so that they can successfully walk along the path of life with full concentration. The card has the image of a man hanging upside down from a tree that has the shape of the letter T. His left leg is positioned behind the right leg and he wears a calm expression that suggests that he is not regretful or rather hanging is of his own accord. On his head, there is an image that resembles the scorching sun and its radiance.

Drawing the upright hanged man is a sign of good luck as it indicates that the universe has bestowed upon you plenty of talents and abilities which are your assets in life. You are gifted in a special manner and if you are able to manage those assets in a proper manner and be accountable, then you are sure to make a huge impact while you live as well as when you are gone. At the moment you might be facing a challenge to identify what your talents and abilities are. Just like business investors take time before making a decision to purchase an asset because they need to be sure it is of value, the journey to finding your true gifts might be difficult. You need to let go of your worries if you are yet to discover your talents, for valuable things usually take more time than expected. 

Like the hanged man, the card challenges you to use your assets to create more value and bring in more returns in the universe. Perhaps you are wondering how this is achievable. Assuming you have been given the gift of empathy and you have the power to spread positive energy and bring healing through your soul. By having empathy as an asset, you are required to sacrifice your time and spend more time around those in pain so that they may heal. When people are sad, you are required to bring joy unto them. Your gift was granted to you as an asset to help the world gain returns thus you ought to manage it properly.

The calm expression on the hanged man might indicate that most of the time you may feel that your gifts are taking an emotional toll on you and weighing you down. In such moments, you perhaps have the idea that your gift is no longer an asset but a liability because it causes you more harm than good. Just as investors have to spend much money to purchase an asset and they spend years before the returns on the asset cover the cost they spent, you are experiencing the challenges for a little while. This calls for your patience and perseverance thus the need to remain calm.

In any case, managing your assets well should bring you immense joy even when you are undergoing physical pain because at the back of your mind you know that you are making a significant difference in the world. No pain, no gain!

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