Your Tarot Message For Today

If we truly wish genuine and lasting emotional fulfilment in our life, developing the courage to break free from unhealthy social relationships is the first step.

If we truly wish genuine and lasting emotional fulfilment in our life, developing the courage to break free from unhealthy social relationships is the first step.

The Message of the Day

For today's message, the Eight of Cups reminds us of the importance of clearing the negative energies present in our day-to-day activities. We encounter them almost everywhere. These could manifest in the form of pollution in the air, land, and bodies of water. For others, it can be the source of stress in our surroundings—weather, workplace, home environment, etc. Other harmful elements are not directly apparent to us, and that is through diseases caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, and parasites. Allotting a time solely dedicated to observing a cleanup in our physical, mental, and spiritual domains is vital in preserving our overall health and normal functioning.

You will know that it is already time to clean up in your immediate environment once you notice dust and dirt has accumulated in your home and office. Since the telltale signs are so obvious, there is almost no need to make an in-depth evaluation as to whether you should clean up or not. Furthermore, we are already familiar with the varying methods of cleaning. Although this applies to the physical aspect, this is not the case for the emotional, psychological, and spiritual domains. Unlike the previous one, these three are not directly perceived by our five senses. How will you even begin to organize a cleanup in your personal space if you are unaware of it?

More than just regular cleansing in the outer and inner spheres is having the courage to remove whatever holds you back. Practicing healthy detachment is an extremely vital factor that will lead us towards a better place.

Releasing Emotional Dissatisfaction

Each suite in the minor arcana represents one of the four elements of nature. As for the suit of cups, it symbolizes water. Specifically, the Eight of Cups suggests a rather gloomy ambiance at its face value but will eventually serve a positive purpose later on. There is a man dressed in a red cloak and boots while holding a cane. With him facing away from the eight cups stacked in the foreground, he never turns back and is determined to leave the cups behind. Based on how the cups are piled, with five at the bottom and only three on top, there is a noticeable space in the middle. The lack of contentment and sense of completeness is missing in the picture, propelling the man to walk away. Although the man's back is all we can see, one can still feel his defeat and frustration with how the events turned out to be. 

He is crossing a river with mountains in the distance, which illustrates his emotional state and journey. The waters symbolize his emotions filled with misery and pain, whereas the hills indicate that processing this feeling will not be easy. Yet, it is necessary for his development. The horizon is dark blue, while the moon above is between a crescent and a circular shape. It seems as if the moon is looking at the man as he is taking his departure. 

In our lives, in some instances letting go is a better option than standing still. Career and expectations from other people are some of the sources of stress we typically face every day. However, this does not make us immune to it. At a certain point, we reach a limit to leave for the sake of our well-being. Knowing when to walk away from people and certain situations requires a good sense of judgment and a lot of courage. Cleaning up your personal space will help in pushing forward in our journey.

Letting Go is Not for the Weak

There is courage when you choose to surrender. There are times when all roads lead to a dead-end, and there is nothing more you can do. It might be pointless even to attempt to fix the situation where it may exhaust your remaining willpower. It could be a friendship, a romantic relationship, a connection towards a family member, or any association with another person. Some aspects happen beyond our control. At this point, it is best to admit defeat rather than enduring the pressure. Regular cleanup is needed to restore your energy levels and maintain your surroundings and hygiene, just like we do tune-ups for vehicles or renovate our homes.

Apart from this, it is also equally important to determine the purpose of leaving a situation behind. There is a massive difference between escaping out of fear and departing because of necessity. Are you walking away because you are avoiding something? Or are you doing it because it is already taking a toll on your health? The Eight of Cups shows us a fine line between escapism and letting go—and often, these two can even overlap. Keep in mind that in executing a cleanup, sorting through the subject matter at hand demands a thorough analysis of what should be kept and released.

Today’s Tip

You may unconsciously hoard material things. Either shopping gives you a sense of fulfillment, or you are attached to the gifts you have received from significant people in your life. Others may have a severe issue about wanting to keep certain people in your life who are contributing more harm than good to your mental health. For these two types of people who are reluctant or, worse, refusing to let go of particular objects and persons, they should realize that cleanup is what they need the most. 

This cleanup entails practicing detachment from the different sources of stress. If this is about work, one can try to delegate their weekends solely for themselves and avoid any activities that will remind them of their official duties. When it comes to personal relationships like friends or a romantic situation, waiting for the tension to calm down a bit might be the best way to set the timing before attempting to resolve problems. When all possible options fail, it might be time to cut off ties and move on to greener pastures. It is normal to feel downhearted and sit with your emotions as you try to process them. As you try to proceed forward, take this as an eyeopener that you deserve better things in life—never settling for something that does not pour into your cups.



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