Your Tarot Message For Today

While You Put Your Focus On Making A Better Future For Yourself; Be Careful Not To End Up Mortgaging It.

While You Put Your Focus On Making A Better Future For Yourself; Be Careful Not To End Up Mortgaging It.

Today’s tarot card is the Four of Pentacles. Sometimes what you perceive as the greatest opportunity to finally grant you freedom ends up being the very master that enslaves you. You need to tread carefully along the path you have chosen lest you get trapped and fall down. 

On the Four of Pentacles card, there is a man sitted while his arms are tightly wrapped around one pentacle to indicate your fear of losing what you currently have. He steps on other two pentacles indicating that sometimes your insecurities are always bringing you on the path of stagnation. The other pentacle is balanced on his head to indicate that sometimes you think too much about your possessions and accomplishments that you mortgage your future chance of getting better opportunities. Behind the man are houses which indicates that you could be paying too much attention to gaining wealth and leaving behind your family and the people who care about you. 

Considerations Before Taking Up A Mortgage

The Four of Pentacles could indicate that you are about to make up a big financial decision which could be taking up a mortgage or any credit facility. Before finalizing on the decision, this card indicates that you need to take some time and analyze whether it is worth it. Do not just jump at any mortgage offer offered by a single institution but instead take up sometime to do your research. Compare the interest rates by various institutions, the terms and conditions as well as the payment plans. Write down your goals and objectives then check if they align with what the institutions are offering.This will ensure that you plan in advance and avoid misunderstandings along the way.

Do not be like the man on the card who holds onto his coins since he had not planned on where he would store them or what he would use them for. Instead of the coins freeing him from the financial problems he might be facing, they enslave him. Jumping into a mortgage deal without due diligence and enough planning could only enslave you instead of freeing you and letting you enjoy it.  

Consult Your Family Before Taking Up A Mortgage

Any financial decision that you make and involves your family members means that they need to be consulted or informed. You may take up a mortgage and fail to inform your partner and when your finances go down or the deal becomes sour and they find out, they will feel distrusted. There might be a possibility that the loss would have been avoided or minimized if only you had consulted them. The Four of Pentacles indicates that the man has gained wealth but he has no connections to his family or anyone. Instead of the wealth bringing him happiness and instead of celebrating with his family for success, he is all alone and the money is his only companion. This is a warning that the quest for stability should not create boundaries in your relationships.

Mortgaging Your Future

The Four of Pentacles could indicate that you may be too focused on attaining success that you become obsessed. There is a thin line between ambition and obsession hence you need to look deeper within and find out where you lie. It is okay and advisable to be ambitious but that does not mean you put all your attention on getting wealth that you mortgage your relationships. The love you have from those who make a difference in your lives cannot be bought no matter the amount of wealth you possess. This means that you ought to treasure and appreciate all of them while they are still within.

The Four of Pentacles is a warning that if you focus too much on expanding your wealth you might wake up and realize you no longer have your loved ones at your side. You are very wealthy yet there is nobody to enjoy your wealth with, at that moment reality will hit you that you mortgaged your future. Learn to create a balance between your work and your relationships because they are equally important to a healthy happy life. 

Dealing With Your Insecurities

When you take up a mortgage or a financial credit, you are always insecure that you could suffer a loss if what you invested in does not work out or if what you put up as collateral is stolen. Sometimes your nights become sleepless especially if your repayment date is nearing and you have not gathered an amount equal to the installment you are supposed to pay. These insecurities sometimes hinder you from enjoying your life and focusing on the present. The Four of Wands is an indicator that your insecurities are your greatest masters and as long as you have them, you will always be a slave.

The man in the card is afraid that someone may take away his coins and that is the reason he holds onto them tightly yet nobody is within the vicinity. He steps on other coins and he cannot dare move away as he is afraid of losing them. This means that he will remain in the same position with no chance for growth. Although he is not imprisoned physically, he has imprisoned himself. He cannot even look at his home behind lest the coin on his head falls. The time is right for you to look within and analyze your insecurities and come up with ways on how to handle them. This is the surest way to ensure you remain the master of your fate and still hold the key to your destiny. Your future will be safe and you will save your destiny from being mortgaged. 

Top Tip Of The Day

The quest for happiness does not entirely depend on mortgaging your future by letting go of everything and focusing on getting wealthy. That path only leads to giving up your freedom and becoming a slave and a prisoner.  



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