Your Tarot Message For Today

When we prioritize our needs over our wants, we are practicing self-care since this shows the importance we put on long-term matters.

When we prioritize our needs over our wants, we are practicing self-care since this shows the importance we put on long-term matters.

The Message of the Day

The bearer of the message for today is presented in the Queen of Pentacles. This tarot card highlights that we need to turn our focus on our medical needs. It is out of the question whether we are currently at the peak of our health or currently taking medications—maintaining our bodies in their tiptop shape is a must for those who are healthy and for those who are sick. While we cannot completely avoid succumbing to an illness, the least we can do is minimize our chances of getting one. The need to achieve and preserve our optimal condition escalates even further now that humankind is facing a global health crisis. 

Since we cannot afford to be sick in these dire times, one component of our medical needs is to get vaccinated. Even if we cannot completely avoid getting infected with COVID, at least the vaccine helps our immune system by lowering our chances of being put in a life-threatening situation in case we become disease-ridden. We do not wait before our health is under a severe condition that we have no choice but to place our medical needs in the hands of the doctors. While we still can avoid the worst-case scenario, we take matters like medical needs into our own hands.

Wealth Starts from Our Health

The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing character. The card reveals a woman of royal status seated on a throne full of carvings—ranging from fruit-bearing trees, goats, and angels. On her hands is a single large gold coin with the star symbol in the center. Both the carvings on her seat and the coin she is holding in both hands are indicators of material success and earthly pleasure. In addition, the queen is surrounded in abundance—the flowers, trees, plants, and even the small rabbit below the queen’s left foot all pertain to the abundance linked to Mother Nature. Both the subject and the minor details in the card are the closest thing that most people think of as an ideal life. Financial prosperity, peace of mind, being surrounded by nature, and overall stability—indeed, what more can you ask for?

We can see the nurturing quality of the Queen of Pentacles in our healthcare workers—laboratory personnel, nurses, doctors, the sanitary staff, and others. Although these professionals are in charge of assessing and monitoring our medical needs, we have the primary obligation to set up a preventive measure against sickness as well as a countermeasure just in case. Compare your hygiene practices, physical interactions in public settings, and the places frequently visited before and during the pandemic. How much has changed within a year or two? Your answers to these self-assessment questions reflect your degree of value for your health and others. 

Prioritizing Needs Over Wants

Paying attention simultaneously to a lot of things—following health protocols such as avoiding crowded places and unnecessary gatherings as well as the religious intake of fluids, supplements, and nutritious foods can take a lot of effort but we know it is all for the safety of ourselves and the people around us. There is no such thing as being overly cautious nowadays since we can never be too complacent. This deadly yet invisible invader has already taken the lives of so many individuals around the world. 

COVID exempts no one—the virus attacks our cells no matter what our line of work may be. All of your savings and investments may vanish in a blink of an eye but still would not be enough to cover hospital expenses. Ceaselessly working yourself to the bone will be all for naught once you suffer from a critical illness such as COVID. If your sole objective is to become rich, then you might consider reevaluating your end goals. While it is true that achieving a state of abundance requires a lot of work, it does not mean that you should compromise your health in return. Is it worthy to get sick for wealth?

The saying “Prevention is better than cure” perfectly captures the state of the world today. This summarizes our medical needs in just one sentence—even the doctors might not be able to help you if you are not going to help yourself first. The Queen of Pentacles is enjoying her abundant state with Mother Nature. However, to achieve that is no mere walk in the park. Immense dedication and realigning one’s values are required before this will happen.

Today’s Tip

Social distancing, wearing masks, and observing a healthy lifestyle are some of the preventive measures we can do to prolong our optimal health while conversely delaying foreign microbial attacks in our bodies. Furthermore, the vaccine against COVID has now become an indispensable addition to the existing medical needs. All of this is made possible with the help of various scientific and medical experts around the globe. Reinforcing our immune system with these tools, habits, and information is equally important and a precursor to traditional medical needs. 

Another thing to keep in mind is to strike a balance between earning money for your family and supporting your well-being. Losing your material sources of wealth is not the worst that could happen to you—losing one’s life is. No amount of wealth can revive a dead person back to life. With this, it is already implied that our medical needs start from our uprooting our poor lifestyle practices and replace them with healthy ones. Similar to any other aspirations that humans have, achieving a sound body and mind entails a considerable amount of effort. It is similar to physical workouts only that this one is more of mental training in terms of displaying self-discipline. Once you are successful, you will take pride and immerse yourself with the fruits of your hard work just like the tranquility and prosperity embodied in the Queen of Pentacles.

In realizing that our health is a non-negotiable source of wealth, the pandemic has indeed taught us to place more importance on prevention rather than cure. May we achieve the kind of abundance in our physical health as illustrated in today’s tarot card.



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