Your Arcana Message For Today

Life Is Too Short To Be So Hard On Yourself; Appreciate And Celebrate For Each Milestone You Complete Because You Deserve That And Much More

Life Is Too Short To Be So Hard On Yourself; Appreciate And Celebrate For Each Milestone You Complete Because You Deserve That And Much More

Today’s tarot card is the Three of Cups. You have been so busy chasing success and material wealth that your relationships have been strained. Your commitments have resulted in poor communication between you and your family as well as friends. Looking at your life now, you are not able to list at least five people, other than your relatives, whom you can cry to when you face a problem and they immediately come to your aid.

In the three of cups card, there are three ladies who appear to be celebrating as they raise their cups high and toast in joy. The ground at their feet has plants that have produced fruits to signify success and abundance in your life. The ladies are well dressed for the celebration as one lady wears white to signify a new beginning that you ought to embark on. Another lady is dressed in peach to mean that you need to keep calm and let the laws of the universe fall into place.

The other lady is dressed in red to signify the sacrifices you have to make to maintain your sacrifices. Although your heart may bleed, in the end, your relationships will move to another level and you will appreciate the effort you made. Being the most outstanding color in the three of cups tarot card, it also symbolizes that it is time to take up that leadership opportunity that you have been shying away from. You have everything capable of making you succeed as a leader. 

Time To Host Your Friends

Life is a rat race and just like the law of the jungle, you have to be the fittest to survive. The truth is, work never ends and the chase for material wealth only gets tougher as time progresses. On the other hand, you will not live here on earth forever. The three of cups card indicates that you are doing well in other aspects of life except for maintaining relationships. You hardly spend time with others and your circle has reduced significantly.

If you continue on that path, you will become a wealthy lone star but in the end, realize that you missed out on life while trying to make a living. The race for money will always be there but the people who matter to you will not always be there. Appreciate them while they are still alive instead of grieving and regretting when they are gone. The three of cups card passes a message to you that the universe is giving you a go-ahead to call your friends and people who matter to you, host them and catch up with them. For that is priceless!

Embracing Teamwork

It is said that you can walk faster if you walk alone and further if you walk in a team. Teamwork provides an opportunity to learn from a diverse mix of skills and talents as well as appreciate the differences in each member of the team. The three of cups card is evidence of teamwork resulting in success as the three ladies celebrating are a team. It is time to be open-minded to working with others and get into a team. Just like the ladies are dressed in different colors,  understand that every person is unique and their capabilities are different while working in a team. This will ensure that there is respect among the team members and a willingness to learn from each other. Just like the plants on the card have produced fruits, you will be able to reap huge benefits which would not be possible if you work alone. 

You Are Too Hard On Yourself; Loosen Up

You have been so focused on achieving your goals and excelling in whatever you do as if your entire life depends on it. You think that having fun is a waste of time and you do not like associating with people who party. The three of cups card is indicating that you do not need to be so hard on yourself. Partying is a way of relaxing and winding up. Loosen up, host a party and invite your friends to make merry together then you will realize what a  great therapy it can be. You will find out that relaxation increases productivity in your work. 

Hosting Your Love 

There are people who come into your life and the boring world suddenly becomes interesting again. Your energies perfectly match and you naturally vibrate on the same frequency. If you were walking lifeless, their presence in your life suddenly makes you alive once more. These people will only come once in your entire life and if you are keen enough to recognize them, you will be eternally grateful that you did. However, it is unfortunate if you get caught up racing through life and fail to recognize them.

Sometimes, it turns out that these people were always by your side and you only realize once they have left. Today’s tarot card indicates that you ought to allow other people into your life and host them. Only through hosting, will you be able to identify your love and lead them to the reserved section of your heart for special treatment. If you never allow yourself to be a host, you may miss out on the opportunity of hosting your love. 

Top Tip Of The Day

After working hard and achieving your goals, it is selfless to invite your team to share in your joy. Hosting them is not an indicator of showcasing your success but an opportunity to interact better with them and motivate them to always do better. A good host knows the type of treatment to give to each of their guests and thus leaves a positive impression which will be essential in establishing long-term relationships. You have worked so hard; keep calm, relax and celebrate the moment. 


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