Your Arcana Message For Today

When The Strongest Winds Blow, The Bamboo Survives Through Bending In And Remains Steady.

When The Strongest Winds Blow, The Bamboo Survives Through Bending In And Remains Steady.

Today’s tarot is Ace of Pentacles. In life, you have a chance to begin again as long as you truly will. Your spirit pushes you to develop when the time is right. This is a time to use the positivity and encouragement around you to bring your ideas into action. When things align themselves to your favor, do not hesitate to maximize this chance.

The ace of pentacles shows a hand emerging from the clouds. There is a large coin sitting in the palm, freely available to whoever is able to take it. This signifies a new opportunity that is associated with business and wealth, emerging from nowhere, and now it has been extended to you in all its fullness, with a choice of taking it. It is now up to you to take it and turn it into something sustainable and meaningful. In the tarot card, the landscape is abounding; a garden is filled with white lilies and green grass.

There is a path that is covered with beautiful flowers and mountain peaks soar on the horizon, this symbolizes that the time is right to move forward and that better things await you in the future and even as you take this path, you will not have difficulties. However, it also symbolizes that you will be required to put in determination and hard work because climbing mountains is not an easy task. The ace of Pentacles is urging you to take this opportunity and make the most of it while it’s in its most abundant state.

Bring Your Manifestations To Life. 

It is not every day that opportunities knock at your door. It takes a keen person to notice an opportunity presenting itself and making the most out of it. Opportunities are like gas, you have the power to do amazing things with it, it wholly depends on you.  In the tarot card, you see the large coin on the palm, that is available to anyone who takes it. This serves as your green light to move ahead and take it. It signifies the beginning stages of manifesting your goals and encourages you that you can achieve your goals if you commit and fully put your mind to them.

The good things in life are not set apart for specific people but are freely available for everyone. What you do is what will set you apart from the rest of the people, be wise about it. The world is practically your oyster, through determined effort and careful planning, you can turn your dreams into realities. Your ideas are ready to turn into something of value, that is real and tangible. The ace of pentacles encourages you to have a plan on how you will achieve your ambitions, create targets for yourself and start acting. Keep your eyes on the goal, it waits for the best man to win.

When Abundance Comes Knocking.

Take an example of gas, the way it exists in its natural form yet it has very many uses, it has allowed itself to be flexible, necessary and now it is a need. You cannot use gas in one way, it has unlimited uses. Applying it in your life, do not limit yourself to just one opportunity, you have very many things you can do, even as an individual. Do not settle for the bare minimum. The ace of pentacles, is a symbol of wealth, in a holistic sense and not just in a financial way. With the flowers and green foliage around the palm, you see a presentation of unlimited chances and abundance. You will discover opportunities that will help you generate a new source of income or receive financial support.

This also symbolizes a chance to create wealth in a much broad sense; love, fulfillment, and happiness. You should enjoy the abundance in all areas of your life. Feel like you deserve the good things that come your way. Live by the law of attraction and amplify this feeling of prosperity. Send your intentions and positive energy into the universe and you will see much more of the same is returning to you. Be flexible and use every avenue you have, you are unstoppable as long as you are disciplined and maintain your focus.

Do Not Take Things For Granted.

As much as you are assured of success, whether it ever comes to fruition, is up to you. Take an example of someone coming from a well-off family, their wealth is there, but if this person decides to be irresponsible and unfocused, then the wealth will not mean a better life for him because he chose not to amount to anything. You have to be willing to work for things and give your best. Many people have lost opportunities and lived ordinary lives waiting for fate to do the best in their lives because, at one point, they were told a good thing about themselves and their future. The arm stretched out in the ace of pentacles undoubtedly comes as a welcome invitation. It does not deny you the opportunity of prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life; but for sure, it is not a free ride. This illustrates the possibility of a new endeavor, but it doesn’t guarantee that it will succeed or manifest. What happens with that is totally up to you. Use your choices wisely and make wise decisions during this season. 

Top Tip Of The Day.

This is a time to put excuses aside because you, like everyone else, are favored. You have the upper hand now, and the future is there to remind you of the decisions you made. The beautiful things in life are not easy to find, enjoy the process of making the life you want. Do not be quick to get to the destination, the journey is equally important, full of lessons and things to observe to get knowledge. Life is not to the swift, but to those who are calculated in their steps to get the most out of it, it doesn’t matter how long it takes.


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