Your Arcana Message For Today

Practice healthy and constructive ways of judgment to assist in our personal growth.

Practice healthy and constructive ways of judgment to assist in our personal growth.

The Message of the Day

The Judgment card can be considered as both a good and bad indicator, depending on the context. It symbolizes the day of reckoning—an inevitable moment of compensation which is the very essence of karma. Nothing goes unnoticed in the eyes of karma. Every action has a corresponding consequence which is highly dependent on the purpose and the outcome of each deed. The natural order of things indicates that bad acts would typically result in a bad outcome even if the doer benefits from it. If you belong to this category, know that there will be a time when your past mistakes will eventually catch up to you. The form of retribution may be in ways you least expected it.

In addition, life will give you the most painful lessons in exchange for your spiritual and emotional growth. In this way, The Judgment card may be a bad one because it is an uncomfortable process. On the flip side, the uneasiness associated with this card only occurs during the beginning stages. In the long run, The Judgment is a pleasant card once you have surpassed the harshness in the early stages.

Our karma is just one facet of judgment that we receive yet is permanent, endless, and inevitable. Are you ready for the universe and divine beings to evaluate your actions? You can temporarily delay and refuse the judgment that has been given to you, but you cannot escape from it. The day of reckoning is the moment that each of us will claim what we deserve. 

Accepting Judgment

As portrayed in the card, The Judgment involves men, women, and children in their nude form while rising from their coffins. As they are stretching their arms wide open, they are looking up towards Archangel Gabriel. This angel, being the Messenger of God, holds and blows his trumpet as if awakening the dead and calling their attention to relay news or message. The people rise from the dead and are about to receive judgment as to whether they can enter heaven in their afterlife or not. 

The Judgment day may not specifically pertain strictly to being judged after our death that would indicate our destination in the afterlife. The kind of judgment referred to in the tarot card could mean not just once but multiple instances of being judged within our lifetime. If we, ourselves, are judgmental of others, we will eventually claim what is due to us.

Certain occasions in our lives where we have experienced judging others as well as being judged by others in return. This malicious kind of judgment may reflect our insecurities. Each of us tends to display malicious intents whether consciously or unconsciously. If we claim that we don't have this certain inclination, there will be a corresponding compensation for it as well. Our lives and the world around us largely operate based on cause and consequences. In essence, it would be safe to assume that situations and events are regulated through karma—a natural means of restoring balance.

Taking Accountability

As early as now, we should start claiming our errors as if they are our prized possessions no matter how serious and embarrassing these may be. While it is true that it is only natural for humans to make mistakes, it can be turned into a blessing in disguise when we treat them as building blocks in our emotional maturity and spiritual growth. We make mistakes and consequently we learn from them—that is the ideal order of things. When we fail to learn the lessons the first time, that is when the universe sends us a series of challenges just to remind us of our pending missions.

Karma is not sent solely to punish us just for the sake of it, but to assist in our overall development as individuals. We can wear our mistakes, and claim them, as a badge of honor. We usually claim something only when there is certain merit to it. We often forget that to claim means the act of ownership—the very act of owning up to our mistakes is a very inspiring trait because it takes a lot of courage to do so. Overcoming those shortcomings and correcting them gives us a sense of victory.

The origin of that personal milestone is our own—hence, it is only right to claim both the success and failures as a matched set. Realize that behind the story of every accomplished person known to man, they first endure hardships before they attained their sweet triumph. Just as you are enthusiastic about claiming your feats, feel and act the same way towards the obstacles you have faced and mistakes you have committed along the way.

Today’s Tip

Being self-aware is the first step in realizing our faults. Only then we can start taking concrete measures in correcting them and restoring the balance in our lives. It takes practice and courage to claim our wrongdoings. In due time, it will get easier.

Part of our journey towards self-awareness is constantly evaluating ourselves. This time focus on the type of judgment we project on others. The kind of judgment portrayed in the tarot card is constructive. This reveals a stark difference in the judgment we typically experience in our everyday life. Oftentimes, we notice other people being unnecessarily judgmental of others and even to us. However, we have difficulty in claiming that we also have a similar propensity as them. It is time to detach ourselves from the judgment we are accustomed to—the type that has an underlying malicious intent. Instead, strive for the kind of judgment that is logical, fair, and constructive.

The ability to make sound decisions happens only we disregard our prejudices and thoroughly consider facts. Being a wise judge takes years of sharpening discernment. Similar to lawyers, attorneys, and judges who are only given the right to exercise their profession after passing the bar examination and other requirements, we can call ourselves a good judge of character only when we have taken the appropriate steps in transforming our thoughts and deeds for the better.




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