Your Arcana Message For Today

True wisdom comes with the use of past experiences to improve one's self and his future.

True wisdom comes with the use of past experiences to improve one's self and his future.

The Message of the Day

For today’s message, we have The Justice card to guide us on our journey towards a fulfilling and virtuous life. We take a look at ourselves and evaluate how much we fare against the virtues embodied in the said tarot card. As the name suggests, The Justice is the epitome of fairness and integrity. These noble traits are often, and rightfully, associated with professionals who deal with the law—judges, policemen, and lawyers to name a few. Even if our nature of work may not be directly in line with the law, we are still expected to abide by the rules that govern the structure of our society. Disregarding and breaking the law has subsequent outcomes—typically in the form of paying fines, community service, imprisonment, and worse death.

We do not necessarily have to be court judges or lawyers before we can be aware of the basic rules and understand the importance of following the law. It’s similar to how, despite not being doctors, we still know that looking after our well-being by having an active and well-balanced lifestyle is the ideal way of life. In this case, wisdom serves a dual purpose—a weapon and a shield in itself. This is also similar for lawyers: wielding the law as a tool is their strongest suit. In the same manner, we follow the footsteps of lawyers in finding our niche, not just using it to our advantage but for the greater good. 

Justice as a Weapon

Before the development of modern-day laws, the universe has assigned its unique kind of order that regulates the equilibrium of nature. These innate laws will still exist even with the absence or lack of man-made laws. The artificial laws that we now have only overlap, if not categorized under, the inherent laws present in the cosmos. The common denominator between the two is that both natural and man-made laws exist to preserve the order within the system. Limiting an individual's extent of freedom is an essential compromise to ensure the safety of a greater number of people, including the individuals whose freedom has been restricted. Given the free will of man and his tendency to be self-centered, he is also capable of doing evil schemes just as much as he can exhibit acts of kindness.

Relating this to The Justice card, the woman in the card exudes an unquestionable authority. Her persona has a resemblance combined that of a person with royal status and a present-day court judge. Justice is seated on what seems like a typical king’s throne. She is clothed in a red robe with a green outer garment hung over her shoulders. On her left hand is the scales of justice, representing the very essence of law—honesty and fairness.

In contrast, the sword on her right hand symbolizes that justice takes the side of the truth. At the same time, the sword also serves as a stern warning for anyone who wishes to challenge Justice herself. These are the same traits that lawyers represent—an unwavering sense of duty dedicated to using such knowledge for the right purpose. Even us simple folks are also called to do the same.

Utilizing Knowledge in a Practical Way

There is more to laws than just in a legal sense. Even science has its laws—the principles that explain the nature of intangible things like gravity. The invisible and natural conditions such as these are present even without the interference of man. Our modern-day laws aim to bring justice more tangibly. Since it is man-made, it is not surprising that the justice system is far from perfect. Moreover, humans also interfere with the process for their interests. However, more natural law exists—free from human intervention and is thus unbiased. 

Whenever disturbance is created due to lapses in the justice system, the universe restores the balance through karma. One may buy their way out facing legal punishment, but not with karmic justice. Each action, thought, and intention has a corresponding consequence. It is rightful for the doer to experience the aftermath for deliberately committing misdeeds—this is the natural order of things.

Today, we challenge ourselves to uphold the noble qualities of a lawyer. The professional image that lawyers exhibit is shown in how they serve with honor and excellence. In our little way, we strive to be practical in utilizing our wisdom. Just like lawyers, we advocate and side with the truth not for the wrong intentions—maintaining an image to impress others or avoiding penalties out of fear—but because we understand and value its importance. 

Today’s Tip

Start by being honest with yourself. You can determine which areas of your life need more balance. In addition to this, you also have to constructively approach your awful tendencies. By doing this, you are applying sound judgment just like how lawyers do. Gradually build knowledge based on past experiences, both good and bad. While it is true that maintaining fair-mindedness involves a constant juggling act between reality and our own biases, it will be easier with time, practice, and perseverance. Once successful and utilized properly, this will propel us to self-development. Just like how failure in abiding laws creates an imbalance and demands compensation in the form of a consequence, avoiding and denying ourselves the opportunity to grow only worsens the inner turmoil within us. 

Knowledge without the appropriate praxis is futile and will vanish over time. Lawyers acquired an immense understanding of the law because they have studied previous events related to it. The past, present, and future are all connected—a single action will certainly have a degree of impact on the succeeding ones. Even an old saying suggests that history is bound to repeat itself, that is if we do not make an effort in correcting our previous mistakes. We do not wait for our faults to end up in court or suffer from divine retribution. Instead, we must take the initiative to align ourselves on the right path since it is our responsibility to fix the disarray in our lives. Karmic justice is merciless for those who refuse, but considerate for those who exhibit remorse in their actions.




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