Your Arcana Message For Today

 When You Take Up The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders, They Will Break Down Making You Collapse; Take A Break!

When You Take Up The Weight Of The World On Your Shoulders, They Will Break Down Making You Collapse; Take A Break!

Today's tarot is the temperance card. While striving to achieve success in all areas of life, achieving a balance is essential to living a fulfilled life. When you feel tired and overwhelmed, the temperance card is an indication that the timing is right to rehabilitate yourself.

The temperance card has an angel holding two cups and pouring a liquid substance from one liquid to another. This signifies that your life should be well-balanced instead of being on the extreme end. One of the angel’s feet is immersed in the water beneath while the other foot is on the dry land. This indicates that you ought to test the depth of the waters first instead of getting in it fully and drowning as a result. Behind the angel, there are; plants, blossoming flowers, and mountains to symbolize the need to live life fully. Above the mountains lies a shining golden crown to signify the need for you to be outstanding.

Time To Get To A Rehab

The world has become a tough racing field and you have resulted in juggling multiple things in an attempt to be the best. You seek perfection in your work that you are not ready to delegate and let someone else do the job for you since you are afraid it might not be up to your required standards. You have carried many loads on your shoulders and you have reached a point where you feel that they are weighing you down. The burden is too heavy for your shoulders to sustain them and taking a step forward is becoming more difficult. The temperance card is indicating that if you do not get to rehab right now, you will never be able to restore balance in your life and you may end up collapsing. 

Rehabilitating Your Relationships

You are concentrating too much on your work and neglecting your relationships. You hardly have time to mingle with others and if you are not careful you may end up losing all your friends. Do you feel distant from your family and friends even when you are physically together? When was the last time you had a good catch-up and spent quality time with the people that matter to you? 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being too ambitious and putting in more time in your work to achieve and exceed your goals. However, it will not make sense if you achieve your financial goals and fail in your relationship goals. The temperance card warns you that time waits for no man hence if you fail to rehabilitate your relationships you may lose the people who cared about you in life. 

Becoming  Outstanding

It is a good thing to try various things in life especially if you are yet to realize your purpose on earth. The quest for the reason you exist on earth can be daunting, draining, and imbalanced. You cannot be outstanding if you do well in some areas of life and fail in the rest. You have to strike a balance in all aspects of your life and succeed in them. Just like the outstanding golden crown in the temperance card, so will you shine when you get a balance and focus on your purpose on earth. With breath in you, it indicates that your mission here is still valid and you will stay here until you accomplish it. 

When To Test The Waters

Before discovering your purpose, you will test the waters multiple times until you find your reason for existence. Before finding the one thing that makes your heart feel at home, you might have to dip your feet in the water. The temperance card warns you of the impending danger that would befall you if you dipped both your feet. The waters may be deeper than you thought which may result in you drowning and you may never be able to go back to the dry land. While you have been testing the waters by juggling many things as you search for what pleases you, it has taken a great toll on your mental and emotional health. The temperance card warns you that you may collapse and drown. The waters are too deep, book a rehab and take some time off!

Living Life Fully

You only get to live once hence you ought to live it well. Subjecting your body to tortures of fatigue and burnout will only see you fail to utilize your full potential. Why would you neglect your body while you only have it just once? With the angel emptying the liquid in the cups, you ought to empty all the negative energy in your body and create space for positive energy. Like the blossoming plants in the card, let the balance in your life bring about numerous growth in all aspects. Enjoy life while it lasts and let life be seen in your soul and reflected by the brightness on your face. Enrolling in rehab is the best sure way to bring back a smile on your sullen face and take off the burden that is breaking your shoulders. Leave everything else negative behind and go get back your life!

Top Tip Of The Day

Life will always be a never-ending series of things that you need to do. The ball will always be thrown in your direction which will make you feel obligated to pick it up. This will result in unending fatigue in your entire body which will negatively affect your productivity and if you are not careful, you will collapse. The temperance card assures you that you do not have to catch the ball every time it is thrown in your direction but it is okay to let it roll away without feeling guilty.  No matter what happens, being the jack of all trades will be more harmful than good to you. Relax, slow down and take some rest. You need the break!


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