Your Arcana Message For Today

Becoming an Attorney of the Universe

Becoming an Attorney of the Universe

On the deck today is the High priestess card and it appears to inform you that the universe is calling out to you to be an attorney. The call to be an attorney is not just a random call that is given to anybody but it is only for those qualified enough. It requires someone who has been tested, tried and eventually found worthy to take it up. The world is full of people who are diverse in their own ways, talented and more educated than you yet you are the chosen one. This indicates that you are special and have found favour in the eyes of the universe.

In the upright manner, the High priestess card indicates that you should take up the call to be an attorney of the universe.The world is full of darkness but there is a light in you that needs to be shared. You might be living in the midst of evil people yet you have not let go of the goodness in your heart. No matter the darkness that surrounds you, you have held unto the light within you and carefully guarded it from being extinguished. Like the high priestess on the card, you have remained calm even when people have provoked you and given you reasons to hurt them. While it is easier to choose the easy way which involves; joining them, revenging, being worse among others, you have chosen the hard way and for this reason the universe is pleased with you.

Like a professional attorney who goes to court to represent clients and fight for their justice, the universe calls you to speak for those who have no voice. You have been gifted with courage thus you need to speak up for them and stand up for justice even when everyone else seems to compromise. The fight for justice is not easy for any attorney yet you cannot afford to be scared or even compromise your values. Being an attorney demands that you act with honour and dignity thus in your life you are required to lead a honourable life. Be the light that those in the dark desperately seek.

In the reverse manner, the High priestess card indicates that you have been an unjust attorney in life. Instead of using your wisdom to fight for justice, you have chosen to compromise on your values and beliefs. There is a law to guide you to follow the truth yet you have chosen to ignore it and walk along the path that leads to injustice and destruction. The reversed high priestess card appears to warn you that you need to divert from your wrong path and come back to the truth. The universe is at your disposal ready to guide you back on the way of being a good attorney. However, if you are not ready to reform, your power of attorney will be snatched away from you and given to another who will serve with justice. 

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